Nine [Pack Mentality]

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Scott and Stiles were getting their lunch while Y/N had already gone to find a table to eat their food at. The guys were whispering as they slowly made their way over to her. Scott set his tray on the table and took off his backpack before sitting down, Stiles doing the same sitting across from him right next to Y/N.

"Something happened last night and I can't remember what," Scott said as he stared at his food. Y/N looked up from her phone and blinked a few times.

"Yeah, you said that already."

"What makes you sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asked, ignoring Y/N's comment.

"Because during the full moon he was in full control while I was running around attacking some totally innocent guy," Scott poked his food with a fork. Y/N looked back down at her phone not really paying attention to the conversation between her two friends. She was sure Stiles would repeat everything to her later anyway.

"I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel."

"You're not canceling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life! We will figure it out." Stiles gestured to himself, Y/N and Scott with his hand as he was talking. Suddenly someone slammed their tray on the table, making all three of them jump.

"Figure out what?" Lydia asked. Y/N frowned. What was she doing, sitting with them? She quickly turned her head to look at Stiles, rolling her eyes when she noticed how he was staring at Lydia.

"Homework," she answered quickly, smiling at Lydia - it looked more like a face someone would make after licking a lemon. More people started sitting down at their table, making Y/N shift in her seat. She wasn't comfortable around all these wannabe cool kids. Y/N watched Jackson kick one of the people out of their chair so he could sit down.

"I'm giving this ten minutes. Then I'm leaving," she mumbled to Stiles. He didn't respond though, making her sigh.

"So, I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar," Danny broke the silence at the table.

"I heard a mountain lion," Jackson said.

"A cougar is a mountain lion," Y/N said at the same time as Lydia, both sounding annoyed. Both of them then looked at each other making eye contact. Danny and Jackson stared at Lydia, visibly confused.

"Isn't it?" Lydia then asked, making Y/N raise an eyebrow at her and then frown. Why was she playing dumb? Y/N shook her head and looked back down to her phone, ignoring anything else being said by the people around her. She was going through articles about the mysterious black goo appearing all around America. She was sure all of those cases were leviathans. She hoped her brothers had everything under control.


"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles said loudly after the three friends left the cafeteria. Y/N was laughing next to him as Scott groaned.

"I know! I'm such an idiot!"

"It was like watching a trainwreck! First, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and then out of nowhere comes that phrase-" Stiles continued.

"Hang out," Y/N said, nodding. Scott rolled his eyes.

"Yes. Thank you." Stiles said and then looked back at Scott.

"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend," Y/N frowned a little when she heard Stiles say that. Scott looked at her and then at his best friend.

"You and Y/N hang out."

"That's-" Stiles turned to look at Y/N for a few seconds and then back at Scott.

"That's not the same. Y/N's not-" Stiles stopped talking when he noticed the look Scott was giving him. He was staring at Stiles with a slight frown, one eyebrow raised. Stiles blinked a few times, realizing what he was saying. He turned around to face Y/N, who was staring at her shoes pretending she wasn't listening.

"I-" he started but she looked up at him shaking her head.

"No, it's okay. I know what you meant," she mumbled, putting on a fake smile.

"No, you don't-"

"I do Stiles. I know I'm not hot. And to be honest I'm glad. It means no one can be attracted to me. Which means fewer people to worry about, so you know.." She shrugged.

"I'm a Winchester. We don't do relationships anyway." She made a face and then motioned with her hand toward the door.

"I'm gonna go, I need to call my uncle." That was a lie. Scott knew that, Stiles seemed to believe it tho. Y/N didn't wait for them to say anything and just left. Scott waited till she was far enough, then he hit Stiles' shoulder.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, scared that Scott might hit him again.

"You are so dumb," was all Scott said.


Y/N walked all the way from the school to the Argents' house. She looked around the streets of Beacon Hills trying to remember all the bookstores so she could go and search for some old lore books in case she needed them. She also decided to actually call Bobby when she got inside her room where she was sure no one could hear her.

As soon as she unlocked the door Y/N ran up the stairs ignoring Chris staring at her from the doorway to the kitchen. She slammed the door behind her, threw her backpack at her chair, and plopped face-first on the bed with her phone in her hand.

"Mhkay," she mumbled after a while and rolled over so she laid on her back. She then finally pressed the call button on her screen. The phone beeped a few times. Right as the timer of the call popped up on her screen she started talking.

"Hey Bobby! I-" She was interrupted by a voice that didn't belong to her uncle.

"Y/N, hi."

"Dean? Why do you have Bobby's phone? What happened?" She sat up on the bed, ready to pack her things and run to help her family if needed.

"Please don't freak out. Everything is under control." Dean was trying to calm her down, but not very successfully.

"What happened?" She asked again.

"Bobby was shot. By a leviathan. But he is okay. They saved him Y/N. We thought he wouldn't make it, but he is okay and sleeping now." Y/N got up from the bed and started pacing around her room.

"He could have died? Why didn't you call me?" She yelled.

"We wanted to, I swear! He told us not to." Dean sighed.

"I-..." Y/N teared up.

"Okay, I'm gonna go. Tell him I said hi please," she whispered, forgetting why she even called in the first place.

"Yeah, will do. Bye Y/N/N," Dean said. She could hear Sam saying bye in the background before she hung up. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Research by herself it is then.

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