Five [Second Chance at First Line]

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"You kill ghosts? How the hell do you kill something already dead? How are ghosts even real?" Stiles' questions kept coming. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Stiles I already explained it to you like twice today," she put a piece of popcorn in her mouth and slowly chewed on it, staring at Stiles. He was staring right back at her.

"I may or may not forgot to listen while reading more stuff about werewolves," he chuckled. Y/N sighed.

"Well, first of all, ghosts are here because there is something holding them here. Like, their bones, revenge, some of their belongings, hair, nails... you know, all that stuff," she said and watched Stiles make a face.

"Ew. Wait, so if someone was cremated the ghost can still be here?" He blinked a few times, then reached over to get Y/N's journal and look at the pages about ghosts.

"Yeah, happened to us multiple times. It's always annoying because the people don't want to burn the last thing they have that reminds them of the dead person, but like- burning the thing is better than being dead." Y/N shrugged.

"You're so cool!" Mumbled Stiles. Y/N wasn't sure if she was supposed to hear that so she didn't react. She just smiled and looked away from him.

"And what is this? Have you ever killed one of these?" Stiles plopped on his stomach and laid the journal on Y/N's lap. He pointed at one page and then looked up at her. She could swear there would be question marks in those pretty brown eyes of his if it was possible. She blinked a few times and then looked down at the journal. She almost choked on the popcorn she had in her mouth.

"Yeah. Yeah, we have. Well, my brothers have, I was way too scared to even get out of the car to go with them because I heard the sounds coming from the woods and saw the thing run in between the trees." Y/N frowned as she read through the words on the page next to the poorly drawn stick figure. John Winchester was really bad at drawing monsters.

"What is it?" Stiles asked again.

"Stiles, you can clearly see 'Wendigo' written on the top of the page." She poked his cheek and giggled.

"I know, I know, but like what does it do?" He rolled his eyes. Y/N sighed.

"Well according to my father Wendigos are an Algonquin legend, mostly from up in Canada. I remember him telling us stories he heard in Vietnam from a guy from a Canadian regiment. He thought it was just something to scare people away from being cannibals." She started to explain. Stiles made a face.

"Ew, they eat human meat?"

"Stiles, it's a monster. Most of them eat human meat."

"Yeah, you got a point there," he mumbled under his breath and nodded at her to continue.

"Well, basically anyone can become one if they eat human flesh for long enough I guess. Not sure how that works. They're terrifying tho. They can hibernate for years, then come out and hunt. They keep their victims alive and feed off them for a while." Y/N explained. Stiles' curious expression turned into one of terror. Y/N smiled when she saw the look on his face.

"Exactly. You should be scared. No bullets or knives work against them, only fire." She added and then laid on her back next to him.

"I need you to teach me everything you know about the supernatural. Now we should get to Scott's, he texted me he found something at the Hale house," he mumbled into his hand. Y/N grumbled and rolled off the bed, landing on her feet, her head and shoulders still resting on the mattress.

"Hm," she let out, "this didn't go as planned."

"What were you trying to do?" Stiles was trying not to laugh as he helped her up.

Teen Wolf [rewrite]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt