Ten [Pack Mentality]

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It was late afternoon when Y/N decided to go out into the preserve. She read all about the Hale fire on the internet, there were many articles all saying different stuff. All of them had one thing in common - someone set the fire, it wasn't an accident. She wanted to know more and there was only so much she could do without breaking into the police station to get the files.

"I'm going out!" She yelled and before anyone could stop her she was out the door. When she looked back she could see Argent staring at her from one of the windows. She rolled her eyes and started walking towards the Hale house. Well, more like the way she thought the Hale house was, as she didn't really remember the way.

The walk didn't take long, only like thirty minutes. When she got closer to the burnt-down house she noticed a police car standing in front of it. Y/N quickly hid behind a bush so the deputy couldn't see her. She could hear a police dog barking inside the car. It sounded like it was going crazy. Y/N peeked over the bush only to see the deputy almost freaking out while trying to calm down the dog. When she looked a bit higher there were two shining blue dots staring right back at her. Welp, at least he wouldn't jump out of some dark place inside of the house and try to kill her. The dog continued to bark as the deputy got in the car and drove away. Y/N waited until she couldn't hear the engine anymore and then walked up to the house. Derek was already standing in the doorway frowning at her.

"Jesus, you frown more than Cas doe- did." She looked at the ground for a second and then back at him.

"What do you want?" Derek asked. Y/N blinked a few times, then she sighed.

"I was reading some stuff about the fire. And I couldn't ask my uncle since he was apparently shot by one of the monsters my brothers hid me in this town from. So I thought I could ask you. You know, since you.. well, you're you."

"You mean I'm a Hale?"

"Yup." Y/N nervously looked around.

"Who's your uncle? Why would he know stuff about the fire?" Derek frowned even more. Y/N just stared at him wondering if it is possible to frown even more.

"Bobby. Bobby Singer is my uncle." Derek made a face and now it was Y/N's turn to frown.

"Why? Do you know him?"

"He was a friend of my mom. One of the hunters that was actually kind. I remember seeing him around the house when our emissary couldn't attend pack meetings or help us with some things." Derek said. Y/N smiled.

"Are you telling me Bobby was friends with werewolves? Oh my god, Dean would freak out if he knew! How did that even happen?" Y/N asked, pushing around Derek and making her way inside the house because she was getting tired from just standing there.

"Do come in I guess," she heard Derek mumble as he closed the door and followed her into the ruins of the house.

"Do you live here? Oh, you know what, I don't wanna know. Tell me how did Bobby befriend your mom."

"I don't.. I don't wanna talk about my dead mother Y/N." Derek stared at her. She sighed and nodded.

"Well, my mom is dead too. And my father. My mom was also killed in a fire. But I don't think yours was connected to a demon, huh," she made a face at him. Derek raised an eyebrow.

"A demon set your mom on fire?"

"Well, more like he somehow glued her to the ceiling and then burnt her alive. The same thing happened to Sam and Dean's mom. The demon that killed their mom wanted revenge for our father following him and trying to kill him. I don't why I'm telling you this, but since I already started I might as well finish," Y/N giggled. Derek looked like he would rather be anywhere but there with her. Rude.

"So Azazel, the yellow-eyed demon fed Sammy his blood and made him one of his special children - or something like that, I don't know, my brothers don't wanna talk about that around me. He then killed Mary, their mom, and my father's wife. Father didn't take that well and pulled Sam and Dean into hunting before they could even properly talk. Anyway, he had a one-night stand with my mom which got her pregnant. Feelings happened, I was born, mom got killed the same way as Mary and I got thrown into the hunting mess before I could walk or talk. Sammy and Dean took care of me, mostly Dean as he was already taking care of Sam. I killed my first monster when I was 8. It was a vengeful spirit. 10/10 would not recommend, I still have the scars." Y/N looked up from her hands to see Derek staring at her, mouth slightly open, blinking, and trying to process what she just said.

"Heh, I know it's a lot."

That afternoon an unexpected friendship started to form.


Y/N walked inside a gas station to buy some snacks. Derek was outside filling the gas of his Camaro. Y/N talked to the cashier, paid for her snacks, and then walked outside, just as Argent got out of his red SUV.

"Wow, how mature." She mumbled as she watched him and a few other hunters circle Derek. One of the men recognized her and nodded her way, telling something to Argent, who then also turned to look at her.

"Really Y/N? I promised your brothers to keep you safe." He said, his voice calm.

"Do I look like I can't keep myself safe?" She asked, but was ignored by all of them. Argent's attention was back on Derek. Y/N watched Argent threaten him and then smash his window. That made her mad.

"Hey Chris," she said as he and the hunters started getting in the cars and drive away. He turned around to look at her.

"Your windshield looks cracked." Y/N smiled. Chris frowned and looked at his car, trying to spot the cracks she was talking about. Just as he was about to turn back to her and ask what she was talking about, one of her knives embedded itself into the glass. The other hunters were already gone. It was just her, Derek, and Argent now.

"I see you picked a side then," Argent said. He reached over to pull out the knife. She walked a few steps towards him and took it back, placing it in its spot inside her back pocket. Without a word she turned on her heel and walked towards Derek. She climbed into the passenger seat of the Camaro and looked at Argent.

"You tell your wife about this and I will tell sheriff Stilinski how the fire actually started." She grinned at him and then watched as he silently drove away.

"You are going to get yourself killed," Derek said and then went inside to pay for the gas. Y/N just laughed and took a bite out of her chocolate. This was just the beginning. 

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