#33 Pain and Duty!

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After having a quiet dinner with Arjun that mostly tasted bland, Akshara walks in the direction of her shared lodgings with Shiva. Arjun walks next to her side, remaining silent and thoughtful.

She remembers their argument from a while ago. Arjun said he'd protect her. And she lashed out at him in anger.

"Does it strike to any of you that I'd want to stand up and fight for myself? That I'd want to protect myself? I don't want to be a weakling that always needs protection."

It had been all the frustration from the past week and Shiva's disappearance. Arjun's kindness only irritated her.

Arjun stood in mute shock before shaking his head and explaining it wasn't her intention to hurt her morale or label her a weakling.

Arjun stood in mute shock before shaking his head and explaining it wasn't her intention to hurt her morale or label her a weakling

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Akshara quickly apologized because that was the right thing to do. Arjun didn't deserve to be at the receiving end of her wrath. "I'm grateful to have a friend like you, Arjun. Someone who wants to look out for me... but I want to grow stronger, too, and protect those around me."

Arjun nodded and smiled, describing her as a strong woman with a strong sense of justice, and someone who was always striving to get better, and that made her smile.

Akshara looks at Arjun. She's glad that Arjun hasn't taken offence but she still regrets her behaviour. Next time, she must remember to not take out her frustration on others.

So what now? Shiva most likely won't be coming back for the night. Finding new lodgings at this hour is tricky. And there are those goons. They haven't acted up, but they might. They might target Arjun as well because if she's the reporter, he's the cameraman. Given their situation, sticking together and heading to Shiva's lodgings is the only option.

Convincing Arjun to stay in the same lodgings as her, sleep on Shiva's side of the room turns out to be easy for Akshara. Arjun isn't a person who disrupts a girl's privacy or exploits her hospitality. This time too, his features are marred with guilt but he only agrees because he wants to keep a watch over her.

Akshara doesn't mind sharing her living space with him. Arjun is one of her most trusted friends. They had roomed together in an emergency situation once, and on amicable terms. He had been the perfect gentleman.

Akshara tries not to think too much of the commotion that broke out in their office owing to the incident, or the rumours that plagued the both of them afterwards. It was hard, but Arjun quelled the gossip mongers through his generosity. (He said he used generous means, but she doubted otherwise.)

The wind picks up, pulling Akshara out of her thoughts. It's chilly, she regrets not wearing a jacket. Next to her, Arjun is trudging along, rubbing his numb arms.

The night is quiet and it's just the two of them at his hour, walking along the sidewalks, if one ignores some occasional vehicles passing by.

They have almost reached their lodgings. Won't Shiva ever return to see her? When was the last time he was mad at her?

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