#67 Beyond breaking point...

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Dhruva told Amma Shiva's mission had ended. Now she wants to know if the engagement will happen.

Samridhi catches her temple. This is speeding up her plans, but it's for the better. Though she feels guilty, she sends Shiva a brief text and awaits his response.

That morning, she prepares to leave for an interview at SR University hospital. Just yesterday she received a call from the administrative department.

She doesn't want to do MS in Chennai. But the interview here is a splendid opportunity. It's more like practise and she doesn't want to miss the chance. Of course, Amma would want her to take Dhruva along!

Awkward. They try to feign normalcy but the awkwardness is there between them. Maybe it's only her feeling?

They ride the train to the college on the outskirts and ride back when the interview is done in the afternoon

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They ride the train to the college on the outskirts and ride back when the interview is done in the afternoon.

The weather that has been cloudy since morning turns murkier midway. It's raining by the time they get off at Park Town station. The weather report on the morning news predicted rain, and she was fortunate enough to glimpse it. She has an umbrella on hand. But only one. Dhruva...

Samridhi glances at him. Yep, sharing the same umbrella is super awkward, but she got to do it.

"Let's share!"

She proclaims once they step out of the station and take shelter under the awning of a nearby shop. He looks at her as if she grew a second head but obliges.

She holds her umbrella over their heads. He stoops, but that doesn't make it easier for her to hold on to the umbrella.

"Won't find autos and cabs in this weather. Must walk home." Dhruva plucks the umbrella from her hands. "It's better if I hold on to it."

He doesn't know why he is doing it. Earlier moments like these were enough, but now they only bring a sense of gloom. Their shoulders brush as they walk through the rain-lashed streets. Lashing — present tense.

The sound of rain, autos and traffic passing by, drivers occasionally honking, few people getting into a tiff in the traffic jams, men and women enjoying the downpour while walking along the sidewalks — they encounter them all.

Samridhi looks at Dhruva, who is still holding onto the umbrella. He is still sticking to his boundary, the ever-reserved guy.

"Closer?" He looks at her when she tugs on his shirt sleeve. "The rain got you there."

She points to his shoulder where his off-white pressed linen shirt is saggy and soaked through.

Dhruva has enough. He can't take any more of the torment of sharing the same umbrella with the woman he loves, knowing she is about to get hitched to another man.

"You take it..." He thrusts the umbrella back into her hands, pulling away from her and the cover of the umbrella. "Your shoulder is getting soggy too."

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