4. party

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"Where are they?" I asked Elle
"Shhh, there in here," Elle told me.

I peered over the door and saw Tara and Darcy comparing...hands?

"Oh hey Elle, Max" Tara said.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Oh well, we we're showing each other our hands, because mine get suuuuper crusty," Darcy said.

Me and Elle walked further into the room.
"I might be getting the wrong idea here...but, are you two dating?" Elle asked.

They looked at each other then exhaled.
"Fine...yes we are," Tara said.
"Congrats, you have befriended the school lesbians," Darcy said and i laughed.
"I mean it was pretty obvious, my hands get super crusty, that is the gayest excuse I've ever heard." Tara said and we all laughed.

*time skip*
"Hey Max, are you coming to the party on Saturday?" Nick asked me when he walked into my room when we got home.
"I mean, why not," I said.
"Cool," Nick said and then left my room.

I texted Darcy, Tara and Elle in our group chat The Homosexuals + Max. Darcy had named the group.

Hey are you coming to Harry's party? ~ Max

Yeah me and Tara are, wbu Elle?
~ Darcy

Can't sorry, I have a thing with my friends ~ Elle

Oh okayyyy, well we will miss you deeply ~ Darcy

I chuckled at the messages and then saw something pop up on my screen.

B*n H*pe
Hey, you'd better be at that party. Wear something that covers up, we don't want any trouble do we?

I ignored the message and sighed. Why was he everywhere.

"Call me when you've had enough!" Mum told us.
"Don't worry, we will," Nick said and then we got out of the car.

I was wearing a dress with black tights and a black cardigan. I wanted to cover up anyway, regardless of what B*n had said.

I walked into the party and I stuck with Nick.
"Wow, there's lots of people in here." I said.
"Yeah, I'm trying to find Charlie," Nick said.
"Charlie's here? I thought he hated most of the people here? Didn't they all bully him?" I asked.
"Yeah, but he said he was fine with it," Nick said.
"Ok, well I'm gonna hang out over there where it's quieter," I told him.

I sat on my phone for a bit and then Nick and Charlie joined me.
"Hey Charlie," I said.
"Hey Max," he said and I smiled.

I liked Charlie, he was nice.

Just then Harry and his friends walked in the room. I noticed that Ben wasn't there. But I didn't know where he was. That made me worry a bit.
"Ok Nick, it's your chance," Harry said.
"What are you talking about Harry?" Nick asked.
"Tara Jones, it's your big second chance," Harry said.
"Oh right, yeah," Nick said unconvinced.
"Yeah, she's over there! C'mon," Harry said and Nick walked over.

I noticed that Charlie felt uncomfortable. And so did Nick. We're they hiding something?

I couldn't watch my brother flirt with a lesbian so I walked off to join the party.

I got lost in the crowds and then heard something upstairs. I didn't know what it was and it sounded like shouting. I ran upstairs to see what was happening and I saw B*n H*pe and Charlie.
"Do not touch me!" Charlie yelled and pushed him off.

"Charlie! Go!!" I yelled at him.
"Well look who it is, Maxine Nelson," B*n said.
"Stop hurting Charlie!! He did nothing!" I yelled at him and pushed him across the floor.

Charlie was stood there petrified. I whispered for him to go and not say anything and he did. Luckily he went before he saw B*n tackle me to the ground and try to strangle me.
"W-what the f-fuck a-re y-you d-d-doi-ng?" I asked through long breaths.

I tried to kick him off me but he was too strong. He slapped me across the face. And then I did the same to him.

He got off me and I stood up. I rammed him into a wall and then he used all his force to push me into the banister.

The pain was insane. I struggled to stand up and then before I could, he punched me in the face.

I slowly felt myself loosing consciousness and I couldn't do anything about it. He punched me and hit me all around my body and nobody noticed.

Nick POV

I had just kissed Charlie. There was a mix of emotions running through my head and I panicked. I sat there with my back against the wall.

"Nick Nick! It's your sister!" Someone yelled.

Tara came running into the room. Me and Charlie stood up and followed her.

Darcy was sat next to Max. She was on the floor with bruises and blood all over her body.
"N-Nick, I-it h-hurts," she said when she saw me.
"Who did this to you?" I asked her.
"B-B-B" she started and then she breathed heavily. I saw marks around her neck.
"It was B*n, Nick," Darcy said.

I froze. B*n had done this to my little sister. I was gonna kill him.

"Thank you for finding her," I said to the girls.
"It's ok, don't worry," Tara and Darcy said and then they got up. I saw tears in Charlie's eyes.
"Charlie, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I-it's my fault...she told me to leave because he was coming after me. She told me not to say anything. I'm such an idiot," he cried.
"Charlie, it's not your fault one bit. Please don't blame yourself," I told him.
O-ok," he nodded. "Oh, Nick I have to go," he said.
"Ok," I nodded.

He walked away and I picked up Max.
"How do you feel darling?" I asked.
"I-I'm I-in p-p-pain," she said.
"It's ok, I'll phone mum," I told her.

"Mum," I said.
"Yeah Nicky, what's wrong?" She asked.
"C-can you come here...quickly,"
"Of course, I'll be there now,"

I had to carry Max out of the party. I got a lot of stares and people we're shocked. I had guessed that B*n had been hurting her before. But why didn't she say anything.

We waited outside for Mum.
"I-I c-can breathe b-better," Max said. I smiled and stroked her hair.

When Mum arrived she was distraught.
"Oh my god! What happened!" She asked. There we're tears in her eyes.
"M-Mum?" max asked.
"M-max darling, I'm here," she said.
"C-can we go home?" She asked.
"Yes, of course," mum said.

I sat in the back of the car with Max. She laid on my shoulder as we drove home.

We took her upstairs and put her in her bed.
My mum walked in a bit after.
"How could someone do this to her?" Mum asked.
"I honestly don't know," I said.
"Do you know who did it?" She asked.
"Yeah...B*n H*pe," I told her.
"Isn't that her ex boyfriend?" Mum asked.
"I thought so, but they we're hanging out the other day so I don't know," I said.

I walked into Max's room to give her some food but she was fast asleep. I left her to it. She needed some rest.

I went into my room. I was worried about max but I also wanted to hurt Ben. He had done something wrong and I wanted him to now feel the pain that she had felt.

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