15. bus

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Today was the day of the Paris trip. I was wearing a pair of dark blue denim jeans, a Palace Arcade t-shirt that was purple. On top of that, I wore my grey hoodie with pink lettering of the brand on the front. I had straightened my hair and I put my E.D.I.T.H sunglasses on my head and then put my vans on before grabbing my backpack and going downstairs.

"Good morning love," My mum said.
"Morning," I said. There was a plate full of toast on the table. Nick was already sitting there and he was eating a piece.
"Your suitcases are by the door," my mum said.

After breakfast, we helped get our suitcases in the car and then my mum drove to school. When we arrived at school, there were a few busses and teachers with lists. I saw Darcy, Tara, Tao and Charlie.

"We're all on the same bus," Tara told me and I smiled. I put my stuff in the compartment with everyone else's bags were and then went to say goodbye to my mum.
"Hope you have a good time," she said.
"Thank you, I'm gonna miss you," I told her.

I walked onto the bus and noticed there was only one seat left...it was next to Imogen.
I sat down and noticed that my friends were sat around us. Darcy winked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"I hate you," I whispered.
"Oh but you love her," Charlie whispered back at the same volume.
"You we're involved?" I asked shocked.
"Duh," Nick said. I scowled at all of them and then got my phone and earbuds out of my bag to play music.

Halfway through the trip, we we're allowed a ten minute break to stretch our legs.
"You have to stay with your seat partners," We we're told.

We got off the bus and I turned to Imogen.
"I'm sorry that you have to hang out with me, I'm sure you've got a lot of better friends," I told her.
"Not really, besides you are my friend Max," She told me.

We walked around the rest stop and we're talking. I believed that all my friends we're watching our interactions but I ignored it and focused on Imogen.

We had to go underwater to get to Paris. I was really tired and knew like the rest of this bus trip, it would be boring. Besides, I was tired so I decided to catch up on some sleep. I put in my earbuds, however I had them playing music at the lowest volume. This blocked out most of the sound and made it easier for me to fall asleep.

I woke up a bit later to someone nudging me. It was Imogen. I opened my eyes and noticed my head was on her shoulder.
"Oh I'm so so sorry!" I said quickly moving my head back into my seat.
"That's fine Max, don't worry, I woke you up because were here," she said.

I stood up and like the rest of my class, walked out of the bus. The air was a lot warmer. I stood next to Imogen as we waited for our bags. I noticed that she had now tied her hair up, however she had the two strands in front.

Once we got our bags, we made it into the lobby. Tara, Darcy and Elle walked up to us.
"You two are in our room," Darcy said.
"Okay," Imogen said.
"Also, we've got a new girl in our room. Everyone meet Sahar," Tara said.
"Hi," I said.

"Ok, so get settled in your rooms and then we'll meet at 7 for dinner," Mr Falkour said.

We we're taken to our room. The room was huge and there were 3 double beds. Tara and Darcy both ran to the first bed. Sahar went to the bed next to the wall. Elle followed her to that bed.
"I guess we've got the middle one then," I said to Imogen.
"I guess so," she said.

Once we'd all settled in, I lay on my side of the bed I got my phone and music playing through my headphones. Elle was flicking through the channels on the tv that were surprise surprise, all in French.

That night when we went down for food I sat next to Imogen. Tao, Charlie, Nick and Issac. There was a buffet of food and we could get up and eat whatever we wanted.
"Are you gonna try a snail again?" Nick asked. I looked at him with utter disgust.
"And throw up again? Nah, I'll pass," I told him and he laughed.

I couldn't sleep that night. I kept tossing and turning and then I realised I was probably winding Imogen up so I stopped. I slipped out of the bed and sat on the window ledge.

The curtains were closed however you could see the city lights shining through the gaps.
"Hey," someone said and I turned. It was Imogen.
"Hi," I replied.
"You ok?" She asked. I nodded and then said "couldn't sleep,"
"Yeah, I feel kinda weird being away from home. Never done this sorta thing before," she told me.
"Yeah, I get what you mean," I said.
"Well, coke and sit back on the bed and we can keep each other company," Imogen suggested and I got back on the bed.

We sat there talking and comforting each other til we fell asleep.


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