Afraid of the storm

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It's been two weeks since I have accepted Ryker as my mate, and it still didn't feel right. Leaving here was bound to happen, but I was still confused.

“Do you want to come back again? It seems as if it's going to rain and by the looks of it, it's probably going to be bad.” I nodded my head and thanked Rachel as I sprinted out of the office.

Coming to sign language class today was a big mistake, when I knew it was about to rain. I ran as fast as I could because forest decided to hide already. I don't even know how he survived being on his own for so long if he's also afraid of the thunderstorm as well.

'You don't know half of what I went through.' He snapped as he went back to hiding. Lightning, being my worse fear ever, started zapping through the sky as if it were mad at me, causing me to jump from freight as a loud thunder followed. I whimpered and ran as fast as I could, reaching the pack house in no time.

At least I made it here alive. I didn't go to my room, as the lightning and thunder were becoming more frequent now. With all of my strength, I pushed my way through the first door I spotted, thanking the goddess that it was open. I launched myself on the bed, curling up under the sheet as I started trembling.

“What the fuck?” I heard a voice asked. Peeking out of my hiding place, I realized that it was Jason. Oh! fudge muffin.

“What are you doing in my bed?” Jason asked as he proceeded to rip the sheet off me. I narrowed my eyes at him and tried to grab it back, but he was too strong for me.

“Why do we keep meeting like this? First you used me as your shield, and now you're in my bed using it as your hideout.” He shook his head and let go of the sheet, which I gladly accepted, Pulling it back over my head.

“Ugh this is nonsense! You coming here and kicking me out of my bed, I'm going to mind link Lilliana and tell her to come and get you. I have had it up to here…" I didn't let him finish what he was saying as another thunder, louder than before echoed through the house.

I pushed the sheet off me and launched myself at him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, so he wouldn't let me go. Forget about what I said about him earlier, or the way he was watching me before. This was as safe as I can get, and I wasn't going to let him go.

“Don't you have a fucking mate you can go and bother? I really don't want to get on his bad side, which I'm sure would happen if he saw us like this. You also have Raina you could cuddle with, so let go now!” He growled as he tried to push me off him but failed. No, uh, I wasn't going to let go until I knew that the storm had passed, and I was safe again.

So buckle up Pikachu because I chose you. He sighed when he realized I wasn't going to let him go and sat down on the bed instead.

It was surprising to say I was feeling a bit calmer, which was weird. It shouldn't be like this because Jason was as old as Samuel, who was probably in his thirties. My eyes started to droop as I held him tighter, his warmth was enough for me to fall asleep.

There was a knock that was suddenly being heard on the door, I shot my head up and started to look around, making sure it wasn't the lightning or thunder taking on a human form and coming here to torture me.

Ok, , my imagination was a bit weird, so don't sue me. Jason got up to answer the door with me still latched onto him, which was seriously getting uncomfortable.

“When you said you had a pest problem, I thought you were being serious.” Samuel said as he took in the scene that he somehow found funny, given the fact that he was trying hard not to laugh.

“I do have a pest, he's a leech, so could you kindly get him away from me?” Jason asked in an irritated tone, acting like this was my fault which it was not…ok it was.

“Doesn't seem like he wants to let you go.” Samuel said as he tried to pry me away from my comfort. Keyword tried. I didn't even think it was possible for me to hold on that long without any support, now I know what jack was going through in the titanic.

“Shit, will you help me?” Jason begged, finally snapping. It took some effort, but I was finally freed. I glared at Jason who all but pushed us out and closed the door in our face, I guess he had enough of our presence or my presence. Samuel started walking with me in his arms, and I frowned as I realized he wasn't going in the direction of my room. He saw the look on my face and smiled at me.

“I know you're afraid of the storm, I'm taking you to your mate, Elias. It's only fair that he should be the one comforting you.” I shook my head, trying to refuse but he already made his mind up.

'I would rather not be around Ryker, please get me back to Jason.' I begged, but my pleas were falling on deaf ears. Forest was pacing in my mind, I could tell he didn't like the direction where this was going. The storm, completely forgotten, gave way to a new fear. Being in the same room with ryker didn't bode well for Forest and I.

'We dug our way in this hole right Forest?' I asked as I tried my best to not freak out.

'Rightfully so. Let's just hope that he doesn't try anything.' Forest replied with a growl. He's right though, let's just hope that Ryker doesn't try anything, or I would show him what it is like when I'm extremely mad and trust me, he wouldn't want to witness that side of me…No one did.

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