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I didn't trust this. I didn't trust him. This was all too sudden, leaving the pack that I came to love so much. I missed Raina already, but I felt better knowing she would always be there for me. I wonder how Lilliana and Samuel would cope without me, they both saw me as their son and even went as far as adopting me.

They were the first people to show me any kind of love, and I would miss it dearly. We had arrived at the dark sea pack in no time, Raina had to leave because she had some things to get done. Ryker didn't waste any time by pulling me by my arm and dragging me to another room.

“This is where you'll be sleeping from now on. Do not bother me if it's not for something important. Do not speak to me unless spoken to. Do I make myself clear?” He had said before he left, and I nodded my head because I would rather not be at the receiving end of his temper.

I could feel it, our bond gave me the opportunity to know what he was feeling, and I didn't like it one bit. Now, here I am alone in a room I never thought I would be. Here I am, at a pack, I was once afraid of. The same pack my mate ordered my death, at the same pack my mate tried to kill me.

He threw me in the dungeon like I was nothing, then when I went into a coma, he threw me away in the forest like some common criminal. My heart broke, shattered into a million pieces as I looked out the window. I couldn't stop the tears that were falling freely down my cheeks as I recalled everything that had happened to me before. Falling to my knees, I grabbed my hair as I let out screams no one would be able to hear, thanks to my father.

My parents, the ones who taught me everything I knew. The ones who saw me as their son before that day. That day when they abandoned me.

'Elias, it's going to be alright, please stop crying.' Forest said, as he tried to be strong for the both of us. I should pull myself together, I shouldn't let this be a burden for him. He has done a lot for me in the past, and so I shouldn't be ungrateful.

But how can I? When my life has been nothing but hell from the moment I turned sixteen. I guess it is safe to say that the moon goddess hated me for a reason, I'm not certain. It seems as if all of my trials and tribulations stems from her anger, stems from her hatred for me. I have done nothing wrong, I don't even know if I had it in me to hurt anyone.

I was a warlock without power, a wolf without rank. I was a mute, a disgusting freak that no one wanted. My tears turned to silent laughter as I thought about my mate. Not even he wanted me, so why should I care? Why should I worry about what happens to me from now on? I was nothing. I was no one. I remained on the floor as I stared at the wall, trying to figure out what I did wrong.

I'm here at the Dark Sea Pack, that means I'm close to home once again. How will my parents react if I were to visit them? Would they cast me away once more, or would they accept me with open arms? All I wanted was love. Not the kind of love I have for Raina and Lilliana, but the kind of love that would reassure me that I was wanted.

'It's going to be alright, you know that I'm not going to sit back and let any harm come to you. I will protect you with my life, Elias, that I can guarantee.' Forest whispers and I nodded my head.

Too weak to even reply to him. The floor was comfortable enough, so I decided to stay there, since I wasn't used to this place as yet. All I know is that something happened to Ryker why he snapped earlier. It seems as if he was afraid. Afraid of something, I'm not so sure.

But he's acting as if I had done something wrong, and I didn't know what. All I remembered was falling asleep next to him last night as the rain fell. I was afraid of the lightning and thunder, so I ended up in bed next to him after it was Samuel who brought me to him. Something happened to him while I was asleep, but I didn't know what. I was so confused, even my head was hurting me.

I thought we were making progress, I almost believed that he had changed, but look at where that got me? Locked up in a room by myself. It feels as if my life wasn't getting any easier, one minute I was finally happy and the next my heart was breaking once more. Maybe I wasn't cut out for love, perhaps I was destined to be alone forever.

The lonely wolf, nice name, right? If that's the title I was given, then maybe I should stick with it. After all, it's better than getting hurt over and over again. It's unfortunate when I think about it, though, when I think about all the things I have been through.

I was finally able to have some sort of happiness at the shadow stone pack, only to have it snatched away from me. So you see? I'm not supposed to be happy in this world. I wanted a change and got it with my new family, but not even fate was kind to me, I mean look at what was already happening to me. It was safe to say that My life was over from the moment I accepted Ryker green as my mate.

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