Chapter 6

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After lunch Pierson picks up my plate and puts it in the dishwasher. I remain at the table staring down at my hands.

My parents are probably close to reaching campus. I hope Keelie got in contact with them.

Pierson joins me once again at the table.

"I need you to take me to my apartment," I tell him.

"That's not an option right now Kaydence," he replies.

"I don't have anything here," I argue.

"I have everything you'll need," he promises.

"Well, I want my stuff," I demand.

"We can get your stuff eventually," he reasons while running a hand through his light brown hair. If I knew him better, I would say he is stressed.

"Eventually? No, I want to go right now," I shout while standing up and heading to the front door.

Pierson is in front of the door before I can even attempt to open it, or get my shoes on for that matter.

I step back in shock; they really are fast.

I put my shoes on and cross my arms over my chest.

"Pierson," I start to say, but a weird feeling races through me. It's the first time I've spoken his name out loud. It gives me butterflies. I take another step back from him.

"Please take me," I shakily request.

"I can't Kaydence. I want to, but I can't," he looks apologetic as he speaks.

I turn on my heel and walk to the bathroom that is off the kitchen.

I shut the door and lock it. I press my back against the door and slide down to the floor. I put my head in my hands and try to control my breathing.

Don't cry, be strong.

I take deep breaths in and out. In and out.

"Kaydence," Pierson calls from the other side of the door.

It's a half bath. There's not a window and no way out.

"Please open the door," he says while knocking.

"Give me a minute," I say. It's barely a whisper but I know he can hear. I hear him pacing back and forth.

For being a werewolf, he sure acts like he feels human emotions.

"Okay, it's been a minute," he calls while knocking again.

I don't respond. In fact, I almost laugh. Werewolves must be very literal creatures.

"Open the door Kaydence," Pierson demands.

"No," I reply.

"Now," he growls.

"Take me to my apartment," I reply.

"I have everything you need here," he repeats from earlier.

"I don't want what you have here. I want my apartment and my stuff and my life! I don't even have clean underwear to change into tonight," I shout.

"I'm coming in," he replies while I hear a key enter the lock. I firmly hold the lock with my fingers, preventing him from unlocking the door.

"Stop holding the lock," he growls.

I don't respond. A cold sweat comes over me. What am I supposed to do? What is the training for when the werewolf has read the training? What does the program say about locking yourself in the bathroom?

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