Chapter 20

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I'm sitting across from Pierson and Egan trying to focus like they need me to. It's a weird energy having both of them in the same room with me. I pull my leg up on my chair and look between the two of them.

"So, what exactly do we need to discuss?" I ask.

"The deal is still on with your parents, but now it's confirmed that you are trained," Pierson starts off.

"Well, we can't change that now," I point out.

"We want to understand your training and what you went through," Pierson goes on. I glance over at Egan who has been observing rather than participating.

"You want me to talk about my training?" I scoff. I take a sip of my coffee and wait for one of them to continue.

"Kayde, we want to be able to help you sort this out. You've been so confused and a lot of the information you think you know about us is not true," Egan softly comments.

Pierson looks unsettled by something but he quickly recomposes himself.

"I want that too. I just want to go at my own pace. I don't want to sit around and dive into everything at seven thirty in the morning," I hint.

"You don't have to," Egan tells me.

"Well," Pierson interjects, "I think we should at least know the basics of what you learned. We don't have to know heavy details you can share that when you're ready," Pierson goes on.

"You've both read Evan's Escape, that was my training," I explain.

"How though?" Pierson asks in confusion. I take another sip of coffee and glance at Egan who looks like he is working through the most complex puzzle of his life.

"Kaydence let's just start with-," Pierson begins to work out but is cut off by Egan abruptly standing up.

"Every scenario," Egan suddenly whispers. I watch him put something together.

"Kayde," he shakes his head kneels in front of me. He grabs my hands in his and hold them in my lap.

"D-don't look at me like that," I shakily demand while pulling my hands from his and running my thumb under his eye.

"Scent masking, avoid eye contact, food deprivation upon capture, confined spaces, feed into-," he starts to say.

"The delusion," I whisper emotionlessly.

My eyes go back to his and he looks broken.

"Escape or last resort," he whispers.

I glance over to Pierson who looks frozen in time.

I am being pulled from my chair and down to the floor where Egan sits. He grabs me onto his lap and into a hug.

"I'm fine," I tell him while pulling away.

"You're not fine," Pierson finally says while sitting next to me on the floor so I am in between them.

"Think about it Kayde. He put you through all of that so you would associate the trauma with werewolves," Egan urges.

"I'm going to back to bed," I mutter while standing up and walking to my bedroom.

I hear Pierson whisper to Egan.

"No, but she's running on 5 hours of sleep," I hear Egan whisper back.

I lay down in my bed and pull my comforter up over my head. I just want to sleep my problems away.

I feel the bed dip down on either side of me. I don't have to look to know that Pierson is laying on my right and Egan on the left.

I keep the comforter over my face so that I am hidden from them.

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