Chapter 25

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"What's your name?" Noah asks me again.

"Kaydence Evans," I reply. My mouth has never been so dry in my life. I don't even think I can produce saliva anymore.

"Do you have a mate?" he continues.

"Mates aren't real," I reply while trying to sound confident.

"What are people with mates?" he asks.

"Mutations or brainwashed," I try to sound automatic, but even to me it sounds desperate. I just want the water in his hands.

"So, this means nothing to you?" he asks while flashing a picture of Pierson and I dancing.

I stare at it in horror. He took pictures when I was out with Pierson?

He presses the button in his hand and I feel the sting of the electric shock run through my body. Associate Pierson and Egan with pain; classic.

An image of Egan crosses the screen next. He's in his truck outside of my apartment. It's the night he was waiting for me, the night we played truth or dare.


I inhale a deep breath.

He turns off the projector and starts to walk away.

"It means nothing!" I scream. He doesn't turn around. He continues to walk upstairs and out of sight.

I bring my feet to my chest and once again try to break out of the straight jacket.

I make myself as small as possible and bring my right arm up and away from my body. I rest my right hand on my left shoulder and begin to put my head between the gap of my shoulder and elbow.

I use my teeth in an attempt to undo the sleeve buckle.

It finally comes undone and I quickly use my free hand to undo the rest of the buckles on my back.

I pull it off the rest of the way and run to the corner and lift the hatch. I glance behind me and realize I don't have a flashlight.

I take a deep breath and slide down the hole. It's pitch black once I'm underground. I put my arms out in front of me and walk as quickly as possible to make it back to the other side.

I'm making progress when I hear the chilling sound of Noah screaming my name. I pick up my pace and before I know it, I hit the curve that lets me know I need to climb up. I reach the top and push at the hatch door, but it doesn't budge.

My dad must have locked it behind us.

"No," I whisper. This can't be the end. I have to see Egan and Pierson again. I have to get away from Noah.

I turn around and sit on the top of the slanted dirt hill. I use my hands to hold me steady while I kick the door.

I kick it like it's Noah's smug face as he drank water in front of me.

Suddenly, I hear it crack. I use my hand to push up and pull myself through the small opening. I pull my arms up, but just as I'm pulling my feet out, Noah grabs onto my shoe.

"STOP," I scream at him. I managed to pull my left foot up, but he has a hold onto my right ankle. The hole I made isn't big enough for him to climb out. He begins to pull my leg so I begin sliding back down. I use my left foot to stop myself from sliding back through the hold. I kick my right leg as hard as possible and hear him groan. I kick again and this time his grip loosens just enough that I slide my other foot out and stand up.

I don't waste any time running back in the direction of my house.

If Pierson and Egan are anywhere right now it would be confronting my dad.

I see my mom on the front porch, but I'm suddenly pulled back and don't have to look to know it's Egan.

I sob and swing my legs around him to hug him. He holds me tightly against him and sighs in relief.

"We've got you," he tells me.

"Kaydence!" I hear my dad boom. I drop my legs from Egan and turn to face him. Egan lowly growls and grabs my arm.

Pierson, Rhett, and Rowan are blocking them from fully seeing us.

"E, let go," I calmly tell him.

"No, I'm not making that mistake again," he growls.

I look up at him and his caramel eyes soften.

He lets go of my arm and grabs my hand instead. I lead him forward and walk towards Pierson.

"Pierson," I state.

"That's close enough," he growls.

"Let me speak to him," I demand.

He moves back and to the other side of me.

Rhett and Rowan shift slightly so they are ready to intervene if anyone moves even the slightest inch.

"KAYDENCE," I hear my mother shriek from the porch.

"No, you don't get to be worried now. I'm safer right now then I have been in 10 years," I shout to her.

She falls to her knees and I can hear the sob break out of her chest.

"You've had your fun. Now give me my daughter back. This is isn't her," my dad demands.

"This is me, dad. My brain has never been clearer. You're the one doing the brainwashing. The worst thing that could have happened to me wasn't having a mate, or two mates, it was you," I finish while pointing at him. I take a step forward when I do so, causing both Pierson and Egan to put a hand on my shoulder and pull me back.

"I created the Evans Escape for you. Everything I did, I did for you," he argues.

"Mission accomplished. I learned how to escape. It just turns out, that all along, you were the one I needed to escape from," with that I spin around and walk down the driveway.

"GET BACK HERE," I hear my dad scream.

"She made her choice," Egan growls at him.

"She doesn't get a choice," he shouts back.

I let the tears spill out of my eyes as I watch the following events unfold.

My dad pulls out a gun. Pierson reacts quick and shoves his arm up so the shot fires over their heads. Egan is shielding me before I can blink.

Noah rounds the corner just in time and throws a punch at Pierson. My dad aims the gun towards Egan, towards me.

I hear my voice screaming stop. I'm holding up my hand and Egan is pushing me further and further back.

I watch my dad's soul break into a million pieces when I try to shield Egan from the shot as he tries to shield me.

He holds the gun to his head. CLICK.


COMING SOON BOOK II: The Kaydence Escape


Much Love,


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