12~ Burnt Brownies

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"Okay, I'm coming over and we're having a girls day. No one is gonna get in my way" Remi said as we walked to lunch.

I laughed at her outspoken statement. It's true we haven't been with each other as much since she and Carter started dating. I guess this is how Carter felt when I was with Will.

"Okay, but you're my ride. Dad and Carter have the car. Damn we really need a new one. Especially since Con is moving out soon."

"Y'all really do. Anyway, what do you want to do?" Remi asked.

"We could bake cookies or brownies or something and watch movies." I suggested.

She nodded. "Sounds perfect and classic." We sat down at our normal spots during lunch.

"What sounds perfect?" Carter questioned and kissed Remi's head.

"Nothing to worry yourself about babe" she hopped his nose and went to eating her food.

Carter pouted but ate his food too.

"Rem, wasn't Isaac going to sit with us today?" I asked her.

"We'll he was, but he found some friends so he wanted to sit with them instead." She said.

"Hey everyone" Logan said and sat in his seat next to me.

A various string of heys were heard. I turned towards him. "Hey" I said.

"Hey yourself, how was your day so far?"

"Pretty good. Nothing has really happened yet." I shrugged.

My phone rang. I looked to see Harper calling me. I wonder what she wanted.

I must've looked confused or something because Logan looked concerned.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just wasn't expecting a call. I'll be right back" I said and stood up from the table to find somewhere quiet.

"Hey Harp, are you okay?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Oh Cora thank god you answered. I'm stranded with a flat tire on the way to lunch and I tried to call your dad but he didn't answer. I was wondering if you could find him for me or something." She explained.

"Um yeah he's probably eating lunch or something I'll go find him"

I could hear her sigh of relief from the other side of the phone. "Okay thank you so much sweetie. See you at home"

"Bye Harp" I said and hung up the phone.

I walked to Dad's classroom, where he normally was during this time. I knocked as I walked in to announce my presence.

"Dad?" I asked but the classroom was empty. I heard footsteps coming down the hall. The door opened again a few seconds later.

"Coco? What are you doing in here?" He asked and gave me a hug.

I hugged him back. He went to sit down at his desk to eat lunch. "Harp got stranded on the way to lunch with a flat. She called you but you didn't answer and called me."

He shot up almost immediately. "Did she tell you where she was? Is she okay?" He rummaged through his desk to find his keys.

I couldn't help but smile at his franticness. I loved how much he cared about Harper. He's in love with her and I love seeing him this happy.

"She's fine, Dad. Call her and find out where she is" I said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go help her. I'll be back." He kissed my head and rushed out of the room.

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