13~ Parental Guidance

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"Hey babe" I smiled at my phone. "What're you up to? Don't you have practice?" I rolled over on my back.

Bandit poked his head up at the movement and immediately jumped on my stomach and cozied himself up on my torso. He laid his head on my chest. This was his favorite position to lay in.

I giggled at him and kissed his head. I continued to stroke his head as I listened to Will.

"Yeah yeah I just finished there. I went to CC with a few of the guys like I normally would. Snowflake, the weirdest thing just happened."

"What?" I asked curiously.

"My mother was there. It was like she was just waiting for me to walk through the door. I stopped in my tracks the moment I saw her. The guys were confused. I didn't know what to do, Cor. I didn't want to keep running away, but I didn't want confront her either. So I just ignored her. I pretended she didn't exist." His voice cracked.

He was on the verge of tears and it was hard to listen to. I wanted so badly to wrap him in my arms and comfort him. I couldn't do anything but listen and that broke me.

"It was fine. We just kind of kept stealing glances at each other. Neither one of us made a move. She walked up to me. All she said was she was sorry and handed me a note. She wants to meet up with me in a hour at CC and I don't know what to do. Should I go or should I throw it away and forget about it? I don't know what to do, please help me." He cried.

"Will, breathe. In and out. In and out." I instructed.

Once he got everything together and was breathing smoothly, I was ready to give him my advice.

"Okay so this obviously stirs up a lot of emotions. I get it, it's very conflicting."

"I feel like if you try to ignore it you won't be able to forget about it, Will. Some part of you deep down wants to know something. You won't be able to get it out of your head. I say you go and see what she has to say. If you don't want to hear about it you can get up and leave whenever you want."

"Thank you, snowflake." He said.

"Will, ultimately this is your decision. Only you can decide what you want to happen. I hope I helped you see a different side to the story. I just want you to know that whatever decision you make I will love and support you." I explained to him.

"I love you too, Snowflake. Thank you for your two cents. I'll call you later and tell you how everything goes or doesn't. Bye babe"

"Bye Will" I smiled to myself. The call ended and I decided I was hungry.

I hopped up from my bed with Bandit and we headed downstairs together. I grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and hopped up on the counter. Bandit sat at my feet, begging for a chip.

Dad walked in as he buttoned up his shirt. It wasn't overly fancy but it was nicer than his normal attire.

"Can you get off the counter and put those chips up? Make sure nothing fell on the floor. Oh and Bandit needs to go up in his cage for a couple hours tonight. Tell the boys to dress up a little bit, no pjs or dirty clothes." He ranted.

"Dad calm down, what's happening?"i asked him. He was never this uptight over anything. He was always chill and relaxed.

"Harper's parents are coming over for dinner. Their flight lands in thirty minutes. They should be here in an hour or so." He ranted.

I hopped of the counter and grabbed ahold of his shoulders before he could go crazy.

"Dad, breathe. It's okay. It's just a normal dinner. Everything is going to be fine" I assured him.

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