31~ Love Isn't Easy

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"Happy new year, sweetie" Mom said and kissed my head as I pulled out a box of cereal and a bowl. "Sorry I didn't get the chance to see you last night. I didn't feel very good and I went to bed right after midnight"

"It's okay. I don't think we left Nick's until two or three. Chantel left to pick up Beck soon after midnight."

"Well did you at least have fun?" She asked.

I thought back to what happened last night. I nodded with a blush spreading across my cheeks. I just hope Mom didn't notice.

"I'm glad you had a fun. I'm gonna go lay down. I still don't feel very great. Love you"

"I hope you feel better." I kissed her cheek.

"Thanks sweetie." She left and went into her room.

I finished making my bowl of cereal and I put the stuff away when I was waiting for my cereal to be a little bit soggy. I didn't feel like moving to the table so I ate at the counter.

"Hey Coco" Dad said as he walked in the kitchen and kissed my head in the same manner as Mom. "I heard about you and Will last night, are you getting back together?" Dad asked casually.

"What the he- Carter Maverick Barnes get your ass over here now!" I yelled and I started to go upstairs. Dad stopped me with his arm.

"Woah there Coco. I told him to watch over you last night. I was worried after what happened at Christmas. He didn't mean to tell me, he just slipped up."

I sighed, knowing Dad was telling the truth.

"So are you gonna answer the question?" He asked.

"We kissed" I shrugged. "I don't know what we are exactly. We didn't get the chance to have a conversation after."

"Would you get back together if he asked you?" Dad asked seriously.

I thought for a second about what I would say or do if he asked me for forgiveness.

"Well yeah I think I would. I still love him. I never stopped loving him. He's easily my best friend, the love of my life, my soulmate. He's the only person on the earth for me. Yeah I'd take him back in an instant. It might be a little hard at first, but no one ever claimed love is easy." 

"Wow Coco, that was very mature of you and I completely understand, but if that boy hurts you again I will hurt him." He laughed. I joined in at my dad's dorkiness. "In all seriousness, I'm super proud of you. You went through a lot these last few weeks, but you kept going with a loving heart and composed mind. You were mature about it. And I couldn't be prouder of you."

All of  a sudden I felt a huge weight of burden lift from my shoulders. I knew he would always be there to help me lift every burden of mine whenever I needed.  I swear I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

"I love you Dad" I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. He wrapped his immediately around me too.

"I love you Cora Maeve more than you could possible imagine."

The moment was interrupted when Sky ran in happily into the kitchen. She slept a lot later than she normally would. I got pictures and videos of her and back last night from Mom. They are so cute.

"Sissy!" She ran into my arms. I picked her up and put her on the counter.

"Morning nugget" I smiled. "Did you have fun last night?"

She nodded vigorously. "Beck and I had juice and candy until ten! Then we stayed up until midnight!" She raved.

"Wow that sounds so fun!"

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