John Bryant

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I shake my head.

"No, no." I say to myself. I set the gun back down on the nightstand.

"What?" Zach asks.

"Nothing." I say. He dismisses me completely and sits on the foot of the bed.

"Liar." He says quietly. I thought he dismissed me, I sigh. He climbs up in bed with me and we talk about my dreams.

"Celes you can cry, it's just me here." He whispers. He noticed that I had tears welling up in my eyes when I started talking about my parents. I whip them out quickly. But more replace the tears at my waterline. I sigh again and then let my tears start to fall. Zach rubs my back in soothing circles with his hand. I cry for about thirty minutes and then I start to hiccup. My head pounds. Zach grabs me a water bottle which he apparently went across the street to get when I sleeping. I take a drink and Zach turns on the television.

"And in other news millionaire, John Bryant(A\N sorry if you know a John Bryant I needed a name), was murdered while enjoying a meal with friends this evening. Very tragic." What the public didn't know was his murder was completely justified, the maggot was stealing money from his friends and using it to buy young girls to use and sell as sex slaves. It sickens me. When his picture comes up I feel sick satisfaction wash over me, a twisted smile creeps onto my face. When did I become so malicious?


Authors note:

So hey y'all! Sorry that it took so long to update, I had a lot of math make up work and I have made a decision, you guys tell me how you like this chapter/book thingy and I'll update. If not then I won't. Not until I get one comment, kay? Thanks guys love you - Kat

Ps Seriously you guys can say anything if you hate me or like. It can even be in another freaking language I don't care!

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