Assassins Book 2

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Hello boys and girls, kids of all ages. This is the book two! Yay!! So hope you guys like it.


Cecilia POV

I watch my son play on his laptop as I chop up carrots to add into the dinner I was preparing. Drew. Drew is his name, Drew Tyler Sanders. He's sixteen years old. Andrew and I got married when I found out I was pregnant with Drew. A month after to be exact. We've been married for sixteen years. I finished high school and went to collage and now I'm a nurse. Zach found himself a lovely girlfriend named Marie. She has long dark hair (A/N look up Cherie Daly and that's what she look like and I you wonder what Zach looks like look up Cody Longo) and big brown eyes. I also have a daughter, Lilly. Lilly Danielle Sanders who's six.

Drew has brunette hair and light blue eyes and constantly has a beanie placed upon his head. He's a very attractive young man. He's a very athletic guy. He plays football, he's the quarterback, a fact which his father is very proud of. He's a very popular child, but very down to earth, Drew isn't snobby like other popular children ,a fact which I'm proud of. Drew has a girlfriend, Ally, she's a little sweetheart and they are perfect for each other. He is fiercely protective of his younger sister.

Lilly has long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She's very curious but very quiet. You'll forget she's in a room with you of you aren't looking right at her she's that quiet. She only has two really close friends unlike her brother. She loves her brother, and he loves her. When I get home from work, if I go to Lilly's door, I can see her and Drew playing tea party with a tutu and crown upon Drew's head.

I watch as Lilly comes up to Drew and climbs on his lap and they play together in his laptop. For once in my life, everything is perfect.

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