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So guys you're commenting! :D oh my gosh I'm so happy right now! So quick survey: More action or more Romance? Comment or inbox me if you have an opinion please! HAPPY EASTER Y'ALL!!!! Got any plans? My mommy is sick so I've got nothing. I MAY DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY! Twist coming in future chapters stay tuned! *cyber applause* sorry if this. chapter is really unrealistic. Kay sorry I'll start with what ya came here for.~Kat.


Zach POV

I hear some stuff going on outside. I move the curtains over a little from the window too see a huge guy with blonde hair cut high and tight kissing my sister. She pushes him off her and I let the curtains fall back and I step out of the door.

"There a problem here?" I ask.

"Oh my God, is she your girlfriend? I'm so sorry, man, I had no idea!"

"No she's not my girlfriend she's my little sister and I think you need to back off." I say grabbing Cecelia's hand. It goes down hill from there. A black can suddenly pulls up outside.

"Okay, Andrew, really sorry for this." Cecelia says and kicks his jaw knocking him out fully. I sling him in a firefighters hold over my shoulders. We run back into the house and as people began to emerge I run to get guns slinging Andrew onto the floor in a room. I toss Cecelia her gun and she begins to target the person giving everyone else orders. He's the first one that charges up to the porch. I have no idea how she does it but she grabs the man by his shirt pressing a gun to his head.

"If any of you move he dies." She says in an even voice. "Tell them to drop the guns." She whispers in the mans ear. He does as she says. One man still has a pistol in his belt. She's facing away from him as he goes for but still yells "Go ahead and do it fat man, but you'll be dead before I hit the ground!" He continues to advance toward his pistol, but not before I shoot him in the chest.

"That's how things work here, you get one warning, now drop the guns." They do as she says.

"Now. You are all gonna go get back in your van and your gonna take your friend over there... GO!" She says losing patience when they don't move. One man dives for his friend slinging his body over his shoulders. She waits until all of the boys are back in the truck with the body. She releases the leader.

"Now your gonna go get in your van and leave. Or I'm going to kill everyone you've ever associated yourself with. Understand?" He nods and walks with his hands up to the van it drives away.

"Come on we gotta go!" She says running back into the house. She grabs weapons concealing them in suitcases. And stuffs clothes in a duffel bag. I grab Lover Boy from off the floor and put him in my truck. I grab some extra license plates from the garage and a screw driver. Cecilia carries the bags out locks the door and gets into the passenger seat of my truck. She falls asleep before we're on the interstate.

*6 hours later*

We make it to Pennsylvania finally and I stop. I'm very tired so I get a hotel room. By now Andrew is up and I've explained everything to him. Cecilia is still asleep so I wait go into the hotel with Andrew and get a room for the three of us. After we get it, I go back to the truck to get Cecilia but she's not there. I search frantically for her running around the hotel and going to the room to see if she's there but she's not. My sister is gone

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