Grand Finale (p1)

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So, friends, I pose a question to you. This story is going to end in "Grand Finale (p2)" as you may have already guessed. My question is what would you like to see from me next as the Assassins "replacement"? I have a few novels queued up that I'm going to let you choose from if you so desire. So without further ado, here are some novels and short descriptions.
Fan Fictions:
1. Supernatural- Your typical Winchester sister fanfic. The plot is VERY undeveloped as of yet, however I'm very willing to try to develop and post it and allow you to read. :)
2. Vampire Diaries- This one is also VERY undeveloped as of yet, however it will be a Salvatore sister fic.
3. Avengers- Again the plot is extremely under developed but it's a fan fiction based upon Age of Ultron.

1. Tank- Gabrielle Seymour owns a dog rescue. She cares for, rescues, foster and adopts out dogs. Her boyfriend, Henry, hates animals. He hates how much time she spends with her dogs. Despite their differences, Gabrielle loves Henry. Adam Davis is a solider with a passion for animals. What happens when he and Gabrielle stumble upon one another one day? What happens when Henry threatens to break up with Gabrielle if he doesn't get his way? Join Gabby on her mission to figure herself out with some help from her fuzzy companions and maybe a little human help. -> That's the official description of the story that I've come up with.
2. Ghastly- This one is one of my absolute favorites. It's not actually in the running yet, however I want you to know it's coming VERY soon. This book is essentially about a girl, Clara Monroe, who falls in love with a ghost. This is a novel filled with twists and turns and unexpectedness and I just love it.

1. Zombie Apocalypse (aka Found)- I've talked about this one before and it's pretty self explanatory, so... Yeah.

So that was it. If I had to pick one (and/or if nobody votes) it will probably just be whatever I feel like writing, but I'd love to get your input. I feel as though these are just as much your stories as they are mine.

Thank! I hope to hear from you soon! :)- Katie

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