🥂Part 14🥂

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The goldie was currently sitting on studying because she challenged to top and she had to.

Barely three weeks were left for the exams and she couldn't risk it giving he priorities to a boy who can't even apologise for his valid mistake.

Taking the advantage of her fast learning skills she completed half syllabus of physics within four days. Now she moved to biology that could be her last favourite subject.

She checked the time,11:32 pm,taking a short break she stared at the empty bed beside her. Rolling her eyes on that she went to have a night bath.

After coming out in her night suit she felt sleepy,closing her books,keeping them on the shelf neatly,she prepared to sleep,combing her long golden hairs.

She was in peace when there was a knock at the door. A glimpse of scariness came on her face when she looked towards the constant knocking. Gulping down the saliva she went towards the door.

Yen opened it and met with four curious eyes. Her mouth hung low staring at her trainers.

"P-parents?" She said looking at her parents standing at the door. "Co-come"

Her parents came in they looked guilty and sad. She felt like she saw her mother after years. Since the goldie thinks her mother doesn't care about her at all.

They entered and sat on the well maintained sofa of the small size room.The goldie went inside the kitchen to bring them coffee. Once she came out she saw both of her parents were busy in their phones. Her blood boiled looking at the scene infront of her. She forcefully banged the tray on the table and stared at her parents with hatred

Mrs jung opened her mouth to say something but her daughter cut her off "Are you both here to officially disown me?" She asked with a glint of anger in her voice.

"No,dear,we will never do that!" Mrs jung said getting up from the couch. "Oh! So you're here to convince me for my marriage right??"

Mr jung then got up and said "no dear. Now tell me how are y-"

"Oh yea! My studies are going well. I'll be getting good grades,hopefully. Any other studies related questions?" She asked

"Oh. We are sorry yen but we promise we'll visit you regularly!" Mr jung promised making his daughter roll her eyes "breaking promises isn't a legal crime doesn't mean you'll keep doing it! The only thing i can thank you both is to raise me up with full efforts and love. Making me smart and mature. I don't think there's any other thing i could ever thank you for but yes thank you for quitting your jobs when i was little and raising me up more then properly, trainers." She ended her huge statement

"We are not your trainers yen! We are you biological parents!" Her mother yelled this time making the goldie scoff. She was about to argue more when her dad said

Mr jung cleared his throat and said "okay okay enough thank you's! You are always welcomed my child. So " he looked around the house and asked "where is your roommate?"

"Umm- uh- my roommate is out..." she replied looking at the floor. "What? Its too late What is she doing out?" Mrs jung questioned

"I don't know."

"What's her name by the way?" Mr jung asked. "Jeong-jaa" the goldie lied knowing what will happen if she tells her parents that her roommate is a He


Jungkook was staying in vmin's room from the past one week. Both the visuals didn't actually have any problem with it.

"Jungkook you can't just run from yen forever!" Jimin said laying on his bed

Jungkook looked towards him from sitting on the window "yes,i agree kook! Besides exams are starting so soon and you haven't even got your books." Taehyung added

"So what should i do taehyung?" He got up and made his way towards the older. "Just apologies and clear everything dumbass" Taehyung said

"Yeah i agree!" Jimin said from his bed. "Well you all know what i told her right? She'll never forgive me..."

"Cmon you didn't mean it,did you?" Jimin asked. Jungkook shook his head staring at taehyung "Taehyung i am sorry for what happened earlier....you can just talk to yen. I'm sorry for being a bastard"

"Being? You are a bastard!" Taehyung added

"YAH! I said that for formalities"

The trio broke into laugh with huge smiles on their face. "Jungkook." Jimin said now serious. "What?" Jungkook asked

"You aren't gonna apologise are you?" Jimin asked and didn't get an answer

"Kook,why are you so egoistic?!" Taehyung asked his best friend

"Umm.... I've never apologised to any one guys! Its hard."

"The fuck! You just apologised to taehyung!"Jimin argued

"You be quite shorty!" Jungkook retorted

"Kook,but he is right!" Taehyung said taking jimin's side. "Cmon tae not you too! You both doesn't come in everyone okay?!"Jungkook said glaring the boy slightly shorter then him

"Look, you cannot run from her the rest of your life! Besides we aren't gonna keep you with us forever!" Taehyung said angry then continued "Don't escape your problems, face them!"

"Yea yea whatever!"

"But can i atleast stay till the night?" Jungkook asked

"No!" Vmin said together.

Jungkook fake cried for a bit long "Please guys if i don't sleep here I'll starve and die!"

Vmin looked towards each other for sometime and then nodded in agreement. Then Jimin spoke "fine, you can stay here for the night!"

"Thank you guys you're the best!" The younger told his hyungs.

"We know!" Vmin said together


End of this chapter

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