🥂Part 49🥂

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"Sir you called me?"


The purple haired girl turned around and saw the door automatically getting locked. She didn't mind it anyways

"It's been long,muffin." A very familiar voice was heard from the other side making yen completely froze. The person turned around and the brown eyes met the blue ones.

After seeing her ex-best friend,her ex-lover,her ex-roommate yen couldn't utter a word. She realised how much more handsome jungkook has become over these two years. Puberty hit him again.

He was staring her like no other and so was she. His eyes was still the same but this time they didn't show love or care but immense hatred towards her.

Even though yen was angry,her eyes were still soft towards kook,her kook.

Jungkook got up from the seat and came towards her with slow steps. Yen began to move backwards until she was hit on the cold hard door

He was still three steps away when she tried to open the door. To her bad luck it was locked.

When she turned around to face jungkook from the door,she found him dangerously near him. "Ko- mr jeon!"

He held both of her shoulders tightly making sure there's no chance to escape.
"Trying to run again?" Yen who was caged in his arms didn't even look at him.

"How much? How much will you run from me huh?! You said you trust me and i saw your trust" pool of tears were already seen in yen's eyes

"Let me go" the purple one said low then a whisper but jungkook could hear it well. After hearing her words his hold only got tighter around her. Pulling yen even more closer he said "No!"
He continued "now that I've got you,I'm never letting you go,never!"

After a long minute of silence which seemed too comfortable for yen.
Jungkook held his hands to touch yen's soft cheeks but the girl backed off which made him angry.

He forcefully grabbed both of her cheeks and spoke "you've become more beautiful,this hair colour suits you."

"L-leave me." Yen's whole body was shivering from the sudden shock. Her lips were dried shivers. Jungkook wanted to make them juicy again but he controlled himself. "Your lips are too intimidating"

"Seriously Jungkook?" She said
He froze after hearing his name again

"After all these years this is the first thing you tell me? You know what I quit so let me go now!"

"No! Not until i get my answers and about your quit then you can after three months give the notice first and my answers!" The male said


"Why the fuck did you run?!"

"D-did i ask you to explain about y-your fiancé or wife?" She seemed broken at the point.



Both were panting heavily in each others arm. Jungkook's hand never left yen's shoulders.

Yen looked at jungkook who was already staring at her as she said "fine,you'll get the notice by today evening"

She slowly removed his hands from her and turned around. As yen was about to put her hand on the door knob jungkook grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his desk far from the door.

He hold her hands warmly and whispered
"I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter anymore jungkook"
Yen said sniffing

"B-but why did you run away...you should've hit me but you left me...you broke me!"

"It doesn't matter..."

"You knew you were the only girl i loved and i still do but you chose to leave me"

"It d-doesn't ma-" yen wasn't able to finish her sentence as she broke into tears. Seeing her cry jungkook's heart shattered into million of pieces

"Yen please,let's talk..." Jungkook tried but the girl snatched her hands away and wiped her pooling tears.
"Mr jeon,let's not make our professional lives get interrupted by our personals"
She smiled brightly but her eyes were still crying

"I may take my leave now" she said walking towards the door wiping off her tears.

"Ms jung..." Jungkook called but yen didn't stop her feet from walking away

"Yen..." he called again but her feet still didn't stop walking faster

"Muffin?" Yen suddenly stopped walking and in a second she slowly turned around to face him.

She now noticed his little pink hair coloured and his gorgeous eyes. Yen was a little surprised to see how good he looked with the new eye brow piercing.
"I'm not married" he said

After admiring him for a long time she turned around and opened the door which somehow got unlocked

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

After admiring him for a long time she turned around and opened the door which somehow got unlocked.

End of flashback

"Bro you should've atleast kissed her!" Taehyung whined

This cover is too perfect 🔥😭 its made by @bts_fics_luv

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

This cover is too perfect 🔥😭 its made by @bts_fics_luv

End of this chapter

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