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After the morning had taken a turn she hadn't expected Dani had walked away

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After the morning had taken a turn she hadn't expected Dani had walked away. It'd been naive and rather self-deluded of her to believe she was the only one here who knew she was dying. At the very least she should've known Andre, as a prince, would know.

Why had she thought her grandmother wouldn't interfere? After all, she'd lived with the woman her whole life, Nana lived to meddle in people's lives, especially her family.  How could her life have gone so wrong? she wondered once again. Dani had thought she'd hate having anyone pity her but this was so much worse.

She was the reason four other people would die, maybe even Eric. Not that she felt any remorse over him since this was partly his fault. The other part being that Dani was cursed. Her unci, who was a very spiritual woman, had told her she'd have a hard time, that death was following her.

At the time Dani had thought it was just her death and she'd been indifferent, but now... 

Her mind couldn't wrap itself around the fact that people's lives were ruined because of her. The worst part was that there was nothing she could do. The mask she put on every morning was cracking and the last thing she wanted was for her loved ones to realise she wasn't okay.

Explosive pleasurable fire raced from her arm as a hand circled around it and she was turned around and found herself facing the dragon prince. She jerked her arm out of his grasp and then pushed hard against his chest but once again he was unmovable. A frown marred her face as she looked him up and down wondering why she couldn't move him when she was used to pushing away guys just as muscular as him, if not more so.

"Dragons have greater bone and muscle density than any other race," Eric explained, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Well, good for you." Was her sarcastic reply as she turned back to go the way she'd been going. 

Dani was in a shrub garden that was crisscrossed with paved paths and small fountains in the midst of lawn patches where people could sit and enjoy the sun and picnics. Needing to be alone, she'd turned into the well-tended tranquil gardens hoping to compose herself. The last thing she wanted was to talk to anyone, especially Eric.

"We need to talk." He stated as he took a hold of her arm again.

Her head lowered against her better judgement, the weight on her shoulders suddenly seeming heavier than before. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I get that," his soft tone and the compassion in it grated on her even as his continued touch soothed her. "But if we're going to find a way out of this we need to talk."

Helpless rage washed over her, a torrent that needed to lash out. Tears stung her eyes but she kept them at bay as she turned to face him, her posture stiff. "Don't you get it!" she shouted. "There's no other way than for me to go back to Dean and I'd rather be skinned, tarred, feathered and then thrown into a volcano."

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