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Her heart beat a fandango against the cage of her chest. Once again she was looking into the mirror and trying to talk herself into being brave—this time for a different reason than from the morning.

She almost laughed at how long ago that morning now seemed. So much had happened and so many decisions had been made. One of them went against everything she was, but she was still going to go through with it.

With a toss of her head, she scrutinised her reflection with a critical eye. She'd done her makeup to look natural, a subtleness that took time to achieve. Her eyebrows had been trimmed and her hair looked smooth and flowed down her back like a thick river.

The peach gold dress she wore brought out the rosy tan of her skin and highlighted her dark features. Her lips had a coral liner that echoed the dress and popped against the colour. She looked good.

Taking up her pashmina in the same colour, she wrapped it around her shoulders then took up her small purse and left the suite. This time Eric was waiting for her. He stood tall and assured just outside her door. He had a smile on his face as he talked to the guards there.

He wore a black dining suit that had clearly been tailored for him. It moulded his body with loving care, highlighting his broad shoulders, the expanse of his chest, and trim waist and hips. The slim-fit trousers hugged the strong columns of his legs just right.

Her breath caught. 

He looked up and their eyes met. Everything else faded, the pull between them became all there was. More intense than it had been before. With that one look, the world righted itself. As if there had been something missing until then. It was a bit disconcerting to realise what was between her and Eric was more heated than what she remembered with Dean. 

"You look stunning." he complimented, his tone awed and his face alight with admiration.

Dani tilted her head a bit then looked him up and down with a slight smile on her face. "You don't look half bad yourself."

That got a laugh out of him. "Is it so hard to give me a compliment?"

She tossed her hair back and gave him a challenging look. "That was a compliment."

"Not a very good one," he stated as became closer, his heated gaze smouldering.

"Compliments are heartfelt and tell someone's truth."

"Or show someone's denial."

They were even closer now, a breath apart and yet it seemed not to be enough. "There you go again, being full of yourself," she whispered.

"I'm not full of myself, I just know my worth."

Her heart was racing, pleasure filling every crevasse of her being. The passion between them was incendiary, exciting in a way she'd never experienced. He crowded her and she took a step back until she was against the door.

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