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It hadn't seemed so complex when he had come up with his plan. Kidnap the hidden wolf, mate with her and she becomes a dragon shifter instead. He almost laughed at how idiotic his plan now seemed. He should have known nothing would go according to plan. After all, none of his plans ever went as they should. Still, none of them had ever been this askew.

The hidden wolf was as advertised, sweet, gentle and unwilling to think badly of anyone. Unless she was angry and then she became a ruthless being bent on destruction, a little psycho. He had expected someone who would cave to him, someone he could easily override. a person he could use to once again bring his race back to prominence. What a laugh that was.

Not only was she strong-willed but Eric had mistaken her cousin for her. A cousin who was a fiery tornado and even more intractable. She was headstrong, powerful and knew it and she would never let him control her in any way.

Eric shook his head as he once more realised he didn't mind that Daniella was so stubborn. How had he thought that he would be happy to have a mate that would be his doormat? Life would never be dull with her and he was looking forward to it. As a wolf, he knew she would be loyal in a way that his people couldn't understand. He loved that.

As a royal at their court, Eric had never been that sure of those who were loyal to him and those against him. Sure he trusted Ryan and Cian but he was beginning to understand that trust paled to what he felt for Daniella. And the bond he was only just beginning to understand would make them a force at court. Even if she never came to love him, he knew the bond between them would allow no betrayal.

He just had to find a way to keep her alive and keep her from killing him once she found out he'd just ratted her people out to the dragon council.

"So have you learned anything that might help keep Danielle alive?" He asked his two friends as he entered the library from his meeting with the council. Maybe if he came to her with a solution she might easily forgive him for his betrayal.

He frowned as that thought entered his mind. Since when had he ever been sorry for his actions? He was a prince, one with nearly autocratic power. Eric couldn't remember a time when he had ever said sorry to anyone. Yet here he was thinking about it now because of his little slip of a mate. Who would have thought anyone had the power to change him?

Did that mean he was having feelings for her? It was one thing to admire her fire, to realise she was the best he could ever hope for, more than. But to have feelings for her? It was too soon, he decided, and yet he was already being unlike himself. Wasn't that a symptom of being in love or something?

"No," Ryan told him.

"Damn it."

"What exactly is killing her?" Cian asked after Eric's outburst.

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