Chapter 9

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It's been a week since my encounter with Taylor at Coffee Oasis, not to mention what happened with Austin, which had consumed my every thought when I wasn't trying to dodge my Dad. Escaping Dad had become a full-time job with me here lately. The more I kept my distance from him, the safer I was in the long run. I could breathe a little easier. I could relax and enjoy being a teenage girl, not always worrying about saying or doing the wrong thing that could possibly set him off.

 I still couldn't understand why Austin apologized that day. Why would he care what Taylor said to me anyway? I was nothing to him except some girl he used to torture in middle school. So, I didn't understand why he would give a shit what she had to say to me. 

 Jules had made it home on time that day and kept me from getting yelled at by Dad for letting her go out with friends without his permission first. I even told him about tutoring kids after school and that Jules would be home alone. He wasn't happy at first and didn't talk to me for a few days, but he eventually got over it. I could tell he still wasn't pleased about the fact, but he was at least talking to me if you want to call it that. It was more or less one or two words here and there in response to a question I'd ask him. I didn't do nothing wrong and was tired of being treated this way. 


I pulled into the school parking lot and made my way over to Sophie's car toward the back of the parking lot. She was sitting in her car with the driver's side window down, looking at her phone. 

"I figured you weren't going to show up today, seeing who you have to tutor after school." She smiled great big, raising her eyebrows. 

I turned around, grabbed my bookbag, and exited the car. "What are you smiling about?" I asked, looking over the roof of my car at Sophie as she flipped her long, curly blonde hair over her left shoulder. 

"I was just admiring your outfit and makeup today." The corners of her mouth curled up into another big smile. 

"I didn't do anything different today." I looked down at my clothes. 

"Keep telling yourself that, Rylee." Sophie started walking toward the school. 

Did I do something different without realizing it? I looked down at my clothes again, trying to figure out what Sophie meant by her comment. I was coming up empty-handed. I must have missed the joke because I didn't dress any differently than I had the day before. I had on a pair of ripped jeans, a cute white floral top that hit the waist of my jeans, and my white canvas shoes. Then, it hit me like a freight train; it was my top. 

"Morning, Sunshine." Cole wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

"Morning, Cole," I mumbled, still distracted by my clothes. 

"Rylee, can I talk to you for a minute?" 

"Do you want me to wait for you?" Cole asked, dropping his arm as he smiled at me. 

"Yeah, give me a minute." I turned around and found Austin surrounded by a few of his friends. I stood there glancing up at these huge boys looking down at me, and suddenly, I felt so tiny standing next to them. I knew the one boy on his left, Logan Reed; they were best friends in middle school. Logan had definitely changed from middle school; his dark blonde hair was shorter now, and he was muscular like Austin. However, they weren't overly muscular like bodybuilders. I didn't recognize the other couple of guys with him. 

"I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few minutes." Austin moved away from his friends toward me. He turned and told his friends he would be back in a few minutes, then motioned me to follow him.

I turned around to tell Cole and Sophie that I would be back in a few minutes when my body lunged forward a few steps. Sophie told me to get going while Cole stood there pressing his lips together, trying to keep from laughing. I glared back at her, then turned around and followed Austin to see what he wanted. I found myself staring at how his t-shirt was hugging his muscular biceps. I blinked my eyes and diverted them down to my clothes, shoes, and anywhere else but in front of me and Austin's hot ass. He led us off around the side of the school, back behind toward what we call "The Courtyard," where everyone usually goes during their extra periods throughout the school day. The Courtyard was a grey brick patio filled with tables and chairs shaded by trees. During the morning, no one was back here, though. Austin walked over to the ledge of The Courtyard, turned around, and sat down on it. 

"I wanted to talk to you for a minute alone, without anyone around. Do you mind if we meet back here after school? You know, for the tutoring." 

"I don't see why not. But what if it rains?" 

"It's not supposed to rain." He laughed. 

"I'm not talking today. I'm talking about the other days. I assume you want to meet back here so no one sees us together, and that's fine. I get it, Austin; you don't want to be seen talking to the nerdy girl. I need to get going. I'll see you back here after school. Should I wait until the parking lot is empty to come back here?" I asked, turning to walk back around to the front of the school. 

"Rylee, wait!" He called after me. 

"It's okay, Austin. Really. I'll see you after school when the parking lot is empty." I said over my shoulder as I kept walking. 

Cole and Sophie were still standing where I left them a few feet away from the school with confused looks. I knew they probably wondered why I was back so soon from my talk with Austin. I don't know if I'd call it a talk; it was more or less me calling him out on his bullshit. So when I got closer, I didn't say anything to them and just waved them to come on so we wouldn't be late for our first class. 

"Well, what did Austin want?" Sophie asked again when we got to Biology. 

"Nothing," I told her again. 

"Nothing? He just walked you behind the school to tell you nothing." She raised an eyebrow as she hopped up on the stool. Then, she turned her head toward me, narrowing her eyes as if that would intimidate me into telling her anything. And again, I told her nothing happened. This banter continued until Mr. Crawford walked into the classroom. Honestly, I was relieved when he walked in because I didn't know how much more of Sophie's questions I could take. I didn't want to tell her that he asked to meet behind the school in The Courtyard so no one would see him talking to the nerdy girl. 

Author's Notes:

Rylee is having a hard time trying to overcome her past.  

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