Chapter 58

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I stood there for a few minutes, clinging onto Cole, not wanting to move, afraid my dad would take me. Cole gripped me tightly as he maneuvered through the crowded hall, looking in every direction. Finally, he stopped once we were around the corner and close to our English class; Cole loosened his grip around me and said he didn't see him. He asked if I wanted him to stay with me, but I told him to go to class, and I'd be there in a few minutes. He hugged me and backed up toward the door, not taking his eyes off me, then turned and walked into class. I leaned forward to make sure he was walking to his seat; I moved down the wall out of view. I leaned against the wall as the adrenaline rush started to wear off; I lifted my hands as they shook, and the emotion of everything took over as tears streamed down my face. 

"Not so tough after all, are you, little girl?" 

I stood there frozen, unable to move or scream for help. He was right beside me, and there was nothing I could do. My heart was beating so hard that it pounded in my ears. I knew if I ran, he'd reach out and grab me and throw me against something. I didn't even want to turn around and face him; I kept my back to the wall while I stared straight ahead at the black bulletin board filled with announcements and signup sheets for fall activities. My eyes shifted around at the different colored papers, trying not to look to my left at the man who didn't deserve the title "father." 

"What, you aren't going to scream for your little boyfriend to come save you? I'm watching you, Rylee; you can't escape me." 

"Rylee, where are you at? Aren't you coming to class?" Cole called out.

I spun around, swinging my book bag with both hands as it hit the wall with a loud thud. He was gone. I ran around the corner, looking in every direction, my book bag wrapping around my legs each time I moved, thumping me in the legs. 

"Rylee..." Cole grabbed my arms. I swung my book bag, hitting him. "Ow!" Cole let go of me, took a few steps, and started talking to someone. My heart was beating too wildly in my ears, making it hard to hear. My eyes shift in every direction, waiting for my father to make his move. He was still close by, watching me; I could feel his eyes on me. 

"Rylee, it's Austin. Give me the bookbag, and we'll go somewhere for the rest of the day." 

"No! He'll follow us." I mumbled, staring down the hall through tear-filled eyes. 

"Who?" Austin asked, walking closer to me. 

"Dad." I turned around, letting the tears flow down my cheeks. 

"Your dad... Wait..." Austin looked over at Cole. "Did you see him?" 

"I didn't see him. She said he was here, but I swear I didn't see him anywhere." 

Austin walked over and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head as I clung to his shirt and cried. Cole wandered around the corner and returned a few minutes later, telling Austin again he didn't see my dad anywhere down the hall and that if he was here, he must have left. Cole told us he would go to English to grab his stuff and tell Mrs. Hart we wouldn't be in class today. My tears stopped, and I realized I was letting my dad win by acting like a scared little girl. I eased out of Austin's hug and told him to wait for me. I wasn't going to let my dad win. I wiped the tears from under my eyes. Thankful I didn't wear mascara today. 

"Babe, I don't know if that's a good idea." Austin glanced over at Cole, motioning him to say something. 

"Austin's right, Rylee. Maybe you shouldn't go to the rest of your classes today." Cole glanced back at Austin, shrugging his shoulders. 

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