Chapter 50

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The next few days were filled with hanging around the lakehouse, watching TV, or going for a short walk by the lake. I couldn't help but look behind my shoulder when we went outside, expecting my father to jump out at us. I was also having a hard time not texting Sophie or Cole, but I knew it would put them in danger. That was the last thing I needed right now on top of everything. The guilt of knowing I put my best friends in danger because I couldn't keep from texting them. Austin tried his best to help me calm down and relax as best I could, but nothing was helping. I had this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that wouldn't go away. I didn't dare tell Austin because he'd pack us up and drive us to who knows where. For now, we were safe because no one knew we were here. So not only did I have to keep my friends back home safe, but I also had to keep Jules and Austin safe. One tiny slip could cause catastrophic problems all the way around. 

"Rylee, why don't we get out of here for a little bit," Austin said, closing the glass door behind him. 

"I don't know." I stared at the lake, watching the ripples glide across the water from the wind. "Where can we go?" I asked, leaning back into him. 

"We can go into town and get something to eat, do a little shopping if you want. We don't have to be gone long." He kissed my shoulder. 

"I don't want to be gone long. What about Jules?" I motioned behind us toward the house. 

"Do you think I'd leave your sister here by herself? That hurts." He chuckled, letting go of my waist. "Go get your stuff. I'm hungry." 

I heard the glass door close. I stood there for a few more minutes, watching the glistening water and wishing we could stay here forever. The sun felt so warm on my skin I didn't want to move away from the rail and go back inside, but I knew if I didn't, Austin would come back out and throw me over his shoulder. I closed my eyes, inhaled the fresh air, then turned and went inside to get my things. 

"Where's Jules?" I asked, stepping down off the last step. 

"She's outside in the car waiting for you. She said that's the only way to get you moving." He shrugged his shoulders. "Come here for a minute." He grabbed my hand, pulled me closer, and let my purse fall to the floor. His lips traced the outline of my neck, and I wanted him to take me right there on the counter. "Maybe we can finish later tonight," he whispered close to my ear; his hot breath sent shivers down my spine. He turned me around and smiled. 

"Seriously?" I tilted my head to the side, with my hands raised palm-side up. 

He laughed and walked out the door. "Come on; I'm hungry." He motioned me to follow him. See, it's funny when they do that shit to us. But if we do that to them, you'd think we killed their best friend or something by how mad they get. I snatched my purse off the floor and locked the door behind us. Jules was in the backseat behind Austin, watching videos on her phone. 

"Took you long enough." She sighed. 

"Sorry." I closed the passenger door. Austin started backing up before I even got my seatbelt fastened; it was not like anyone would come racing down the drive or flying out of their driveway and ram into us. Once I got it fastened and situated in my seat, Austin reached over and placed his hand on my leg as he drove toward the road that led to town. Once we were halfway down the road, I turned halfway in my seat and looked out the back window behind us. I don't know what I expected to see, but no one was back there; it was just an empty roadway. Most would have been relieved to see nothing behind them, but it left a lump in my stomach. I turned around in my seat and grabbed my phone, hoping videos would help take my mind off this feeling I couldn't shake. I didn't want to say something to Austin because he'd want to turn around and lock us in the house. I didn't want to live like that; it was bad enough I ran away with him and Jules. 

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