Chapter 54

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Officer Heeley kept us for about forty-five minutes, asking me all kinds of questions about when the abuse started and what triggered my father's anger. What do you say to questions like these? I wanted to tell him some days, the mere fact that I breathe will set my father off. But, I reframed from saying that and told him it depended on how much he'd been drinking. Which wasn't an entire lie, but it wasn't the honest truth either. There were days I felt like my dad got enjoyment from beating me. As sick as it sounds, that's how I felt most of the time. I couldn't tell people that's how I felt.

Once the questions were done, they had a female officer come in and take pictures of my bruises. She asked me if I had bruises anywhere else on my body. I told her they had already disappeared. She just looked at me, then took more pictures of my eye and lip. I could see the pity in her eyes when she asked me about the other bruises. I already felt like a freak, and the pity looks weren't helping me either. I just wanted to be an ordinary teenage girl with normal problems. I didn't think I was asking for too much. 

Brent and Jennifer filed the restraining order against our father while I was getting pictures of my bruises taken. Deep down, I knew the restraining order wouldn't keep him away, but a tiny part of me hoped for a miracle. I wanted him to leave Jules and me alone. But, most of all, I wanted him to get some help so that maybe one day, down the road, we might be able to be in the same room again, to where I wouldn't be scared of him. That day will probably never come, but I keep hoping. 

"Girls, are you ready to go home?" Brent asked, walking into the conference room. 

Home? That word sounded strange to me now. My house was filled with anger, emotional, and physical abuse. I didn't know anything else except that feeling, and I hated going home because I knew what awaited me when I walked through the door. 

"Rylee, you ready?" Jennifer asked, walking over to me. 

"Huh...Yeah..." I got up out of the chair and started walking toward the door. I didn't know why I was so hesitant about leaving; I knew Sadie's dad wouldn't hurt me like my father did. 

Jules must have known by the look on my face that I was thinking about something because she took my hand and whispered. "Rylee, I'm right here with you. Everything's going to be all right." She squeezed my hand, pulling me close to her side. Jules always knew what to say to help calm me down. Sadie took my other hand as we walked through the police station hall. We got to the station's waiting room, and there stood Austin over by the chairs. I couldn't contain my excitement and ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck. I buried my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his cologne, forgetting everyone around us. 

"How did you know I was here?" I loosened my grip around his neck. 

"Brent called my parents. He thought maybe you could use some extra support right now." He hugged me. 

I dropped my arms and eased out of Austin's hug. "Dad knows your car, though." 

"It's at home. I drove my dad's truck. We're going to sell my car and get me a new one tomorrow. Everything's going to be okay." Let's get out of here." He took my hand and opened the door for us. Everyone kept telling me everything would be okay, but something deep down told me otherwise, and I just didn't have the heart to tell them. Sadie and Jules went with Sadie's parents, and I went back to the house with Austin. On the drive back, Austin didn't ask me one thing about what happened at the police station, which, in a way, I found unsettling. I figured he'd want to know something about what they asked me or said while I was back there. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and said something to him. "Aren't you going to ask me about the police station?" I peeked over at him. 

He gripped the steering wheel, twisting his hands back and forth. "I didn't think you'd want to talk about it." He reached over and laid his hand on top of mine. "If you want to talk about it, we can." 

"No, it's okay." I took a deep breath and exhaled as I looked out the passenger window. I just wanted to relish this moment forever—just the two of us in the car without anyone around us. "Are your parents mad at me?" I asked, still looking out the passenger window. 

"They were at first, but not anymore. They're just glad we're okay and that the both of you are staying at Sadie's house. As for my car, well, you know." He sighed. 

"I'm sorry you have to sell your car." I turned away from the window, hoping I wouldn't see the disappointment on his face. 

"Rylee, it's just a car. It can be replaced." He smiled. "I can't kiss my car. Well...I can, but it's not as fun." He chuckled. I smacked him playfully on the arm. He glanced over at me and gave me one of his bright smiles, letting me know I could count on him no matter what. He reached over, took my hand, and placed it on his leg. 

"Do you have to leave right away?" I asked when he turned onto Sadie's street. 

"No. Sadie's parents invited me for dinner." He pulled in behind their vehicle. 


My eyes shifted in every direction the minute I got out of Sadie's car at school. I kept Jules close to my side as we walked toward the school. I scanned the parking lot for our father's truck. We were maybe fifty feet from the school when Sophie and Cole ran up, wrapping their arms around me. I could barely breathe for a minute because I was being squished, but I didn't care. I was back with my best friends. 

"I'm so glad you're home," Sophie said, letting go of me. 

"You aren't back home with your dad, are you?" Cole asked. 

"No. Jules and I are staying with Sadie. My phone's been deactivated. I guess that's how Dad found us. If you've been trying to text or call me." I sighed. 

"We're just glad you're okay, Rylee. If we need you, maybe we can text Sadie." He glanced over at Sadie. 

"Yeah, sure." She held out her hand for Cole's cell phone. "I wasn't supposed to tell you because it's supposed to be a surprise, but Mom and Dad are getting you and Jules phones today after school. So don't tell them I told you." She peeked at them as she typed her number into Cole's phone. 

My mouth fell open as I stood there staring at Sadie, unable to say anything. I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes. I was about to say something when I saw Blake off to the side, staring at us. This stare was different from his usual hostile stare. I dabbed my eyes and walked over to Blake. 

"Hey, Rylee." His voice was calm. "I heard what happened. I'm glad you're okay." Blake ran a hand through his dark blonde hair. 

"Thanks, Blake." 

"Blake! What are you doing talking to my girlfriend?" Austin yelled, rushing past me. 

"Austin, it's okay." I touched his arm and moved around to face him. He was just checking on me. Isn't that right, Blake?" I looked over my shoulder. 

"Yeah. I heard he found you guys. I'm glad she's okay. You have every right to hate me." 

"I don't hate you, man." Austin's voice was calmer now. 

Blake nodded, then started walking toward the school. Austin turned around, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my forehead. "Morning. You doing okay?" He rested his cheek on my forehead. 

"No. I didn't sleep well last night. When will this ever end?" I sighed. 

Author's Notes:

Poor Rylee. She just wants a normal life without all the abuse. 

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