Chapter 10

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Jules got a ride home with her friend Evie so I could tutor Austin behind the school in The Courtyard, away from prying eyes that might see him with the nerd. I was mad at myself for even agreeing to meet him back here. I should've made him meet me at the library study room normally used for tutoring. Instead, I waited until the parking lot was practically empty before heading back around the school so no one would see me and try to follow me. Austin was leaning back against the edge with his arms crossed in front of his chest when I got to the back of the school. 

"What took you so long?" He stood up, grabbing his Math book. 

"I told you I'd meet you after the parking lot was empty so no one would see me come back here. So what's with the attitude? You know I don't have to help you." I placed my fist on my hip, glaring over at him. 

"See, that's the funny thing. You kinda do have to help me because you're in the tutoring program." He smirked, walking around the brick, edging to the tables. 

I found myself wanting to smack that smirk off his face while at the same time wanting to kiss the hell out of his lips. "So, what are you having trouble with exactly?" I managed to force the words out of my mouth. 

Austin walked toward the back of The Courtyard and placed his book on one of the back tables. Looking at how far back we were from everything, I stood there, and rage took over my body. 

"I don't even know why I agreed to help you! It's obvious you are embarrassed to be seen talking to me!" I waved my hand at how far back we were in the Courtyard. 

"Rylee, why are you mad?" Austin reached out and grabbed my hand. The warmth of his hand was like a wildfire that spread across my body, awakening every nerve in my body. I looked down at our hands, not wanting to pull away, but I knew it wasn't real. 

"Why am I mad? Gee, I don't know, Austin. Probably because you are ashamed to be seen talking to me, for starters." I jerked my hand out of his grip. 

"Duckface, please," Austin pleaded. 

"And for the love of God! Stop calling me Duckface! Fuck!" I screamed, throwing my hands up in the air. I couldn't understand why he had to keep calling me that after all this time. I wasn't that girl and didn't want to be that girl anymore. I walked over to the edge, looking out toward the trees. I just wanted to run across the schoolyard toward those trees into the woods and disappear. 

"I'm sorry, Rylee. I promise I won't say it again." His footsteps moved closer to me. 

"Austin, come with me to get coffee," Taylor said, walking up behind us. 

He sighed deeply, deep enough that his hot breath hit the back of my neck, igniting a fire deep in my soul. "Taylor, how in the hell did you know I was back here? And I can't right now." He walked over toward her. 

I kept my back turned to them because I had no desire to see Taylor's face. And I figured I would at least give them a little privacy by keeping my back to them. So after a few minutes of listening to them argue back and forth about why he was back here with me, I took off walking. Austin tried to call after me, which only infuriated Taylor more. If anyone were around the front of the school, they could probably hear her screaming at him as if they were standing right next to her. She was screaming that she caught him back there with me alone even though we weren't doing anything. I strolled to my car, hoping Austin would come to get me before I reached it, seeing I had parked toward the back of the parking lot this morning by Sophie. I kept peeking over my shoulder back at the school to see if Austin was walking around to the front. Finally, I got to my car, unlocked it, and debated whether I should leave or wait. Then again, I didn't want to get in trouble for ditching Austin, so I moved my car closer to the school, for when he did decide to come looking for me, he'd be able to see me in my vehicle. I put my driver's side window down so I didn't have to keep my car running because I had a feeling I was going to be sitting here for a while. I got my phone out and started scrolling through videos of makeup tutorials to help pass the time and help with applying it a little better. 


I looked up from my phone to see Austin walking toward my car. "Where's Taylor?" I asked, sticking my head out the window. 

"She's over there getting in her car." He motioned in the opposite direction. "Do you still have time to help me?" He asked, looking in my car. "Makeup videos, huh?" He laughed. 

"What I watch on my phone is none of your business." I quickly swiped the video away. 

"Is that so?" He smirked. 

"Yeah!" I got out of my car and slammed the door shut. "Last time I checked, you are dating Taylor, not me. So that doesn't give you any right to tell me what to do. And even if we were dating, that still doesn't give you the right." I pushed past him and marched off toward The Courtyard. I paused briefly, glancing over my shoulder. "Are you coming or not?" 

He didn't say a word and proceeded to follow me to the Courtyard so we could get to work. Thanks to Taylor's interruption and fit over, why was he back here with me? We didn't have much time. I slammed my book down on the table toward the front of the entrance, where we were in the sun a little bit. But, again, he didn't say a word about the table I picked and set his books down. 

"You're cute when you're mad," Austin said. 

"What? Why would you say something like that? You've got a girlfriend. Do you want me to help you or not?" I looked up from my Math book, Austin's piercing dark brown eyes staring over at me. " You're an asshat." I frowned, returning my attention to my Math book. 

"Asshat...Really? I pay you a compliment, and you throw insults my way. Wow..." 

"Compliment? I hardly call that a compliment, and you shouldn't be saying things like that to other girls when you're dating Taylor." I frowned, glancing up at him. "Can we please get to work? I don't have much time." I jumped right in, started explaining how to solve specific problems, and went through the steps to get the answers. I asked Austin if he understood how I got the answers and watched him work on a couple of problems on his own. 

After about an hour of working on the problems, I told him I needed to go, but we could meet again tomorrow if he needed more help. He tried to apologize for his comment earlier, and I told him there was no need to apologize and that it was okay. I exited the table, shoved everything in my bag, and turned away. 

"Rylee, is everything okay?" Austin grabbed my arm. 

I peered over my shoulder, moving my body to face Austin, but kept my eyes focused on the ground and his black canvas shoes. "Yeah, why?" 

"Then why won't you look me in the eye?" He asked, lowering his head to look me in the eye. 

I raised my head enough to see the concern in his eyes and quickly diverted my eyes away. "I have to go. I can't be late." I jerked my arm out of his grasp and took off around the corner. 

Author's Notes:

Something might be about to happen between Austin and Rylee. What do you think? 

If you like this chapter, please consider giving it a vote. Thanks! A.L. 

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