Chapter 59

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The rest of the week was filled with rest and trying to forget what had happened on Monday. The minute Brent and Jennifer found out what happened at school, they kept me home for a few days. Austin, Cole, and Sophie came over to the house after school. And, of course, Logan came over to be with Sadie. Once I returned to school on Thursday, what had happened was all over the school. I tried to ignore the staring and whispering, but it was harder than usual because it happened here at school, and I couldn't downplay the truth. I just wanted to get through these next few days and put this week far behind me. My boyfriend and friends were treating me like a china doll. Austin didn't want to leave my side the minute I arrived at school. He was at Sadie's car the second she parked it. He opened my car door for me and carried my book bag as we walked to the front of the school. Don't get me wrong, I loved the attention he was showing me, but it also made me feel like I was incapable of taking care of myself. I wanted to tell him to stop smothering me, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings at the same time. His intentions were in the right place, but his execution was way off. 


The last bell of the day rang Thursday, and I could breathe a little easier, knowing I only had one day left of this horrible week to get through. Sadie texted her mom to tell her we were going to Coffee Oasis with everyone and would be home later. Jennifer texted me to make sure I was okay and if I wanted her to come pick me up. I told her I wanted to go get coffee with everyone. 

"Babe, you want to ride with me in the truck?" Austin asked, walking up to my locker. 

"Sure." I grabbed most of my books out of my locker. I had homework to catch up on from missing Tuesday and Wednesday. Austin grabbed my book bag for me once I crammed my books in my book bag. 

"Good grief." He swung it over his shoulder. 

Right as I closed my locker door, Cole and Sophie walked up. "Hey, Sunshine. You ready to go get some coffee?" Cole hugged me. "Let me guess...Your usual?" He smiled, letting go of me. 

"Probably. You know me." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Want to ride with us?" Austin asked, looking over at Cole and Sophie. 

"In your new truck? Hell, yes!" Cole smiled. 


We arrived at Coffee Oasis thirty minutes later. Which was a miracle considering the traffic was crazy busy for a Thursday afternoon. All the way to the coffee shop, I found myself glancing over my shoulder every so often as we made our way through the busy walkway. Austin would squeeze my hand each time I glanced over my shoulder. I knew it was his way of telling me it would be okay. Dad was in jail; there was no way he was getting out and going to get to me. I needed to calm down and focus on the good things in my life. I had an amazing boyfriend and friends. A couple that took my sister and me into their home and showed us what it's like to be in a stable household. I will be forever grateful to them. 

Everyone walked into Coffee Oasis while Austin paused outside the door for a minute, glancing inside as the door shut. "We don't have to go in if you don't want to, Rylee."

I turned to follow his gaze to the back of the shop, where Susan, the owner, was standing behind the counter. "I'm not going to let her intimidate me." I reached over, grabbed the handle, and opened the door. Sadie and Logan were already at the counter ordering their drinks; Sophie was standing behind them, glancing down at her phone. "Where's Cole?" I asked Sophie. She peeked up from her phone and pointed it at the big corner booth. I turned and saw Cole sitting by a guy with light brown hair on the right side of the booth. "Who's the guy?" I asked, not taking my eyes off them. 

"That's Tristan Alcott. They've been meeting here after school for a while now. I keep telling Cole he should ask him out already. I mean, look at them. It's obvious they like each other." She went back to looking at her phone. I stood there watching them flirt with one another. Like how their hands would brush against one another, how they'd smile at each other after one said something. I loved seeing one of my best friends so happy after a bad breakup. It was nice. I just hoped this one didn't hurt him like the last one. Cole deserved to find someone that wasn't going to cheat on him. 

"Who's sitting with Cole?" Austin asked. 

"That's Tristan." I smiled. 

"Good for him." Austin took my hand and led me to the counter. "Go ahead and order, Rylee." He moved me closer to the counter. I turned to face the barista; it was a girl with blonde hair up in a high ponytail. I ordered a drink that wasn't on the menu. Her furrowed brow told me she was confused about how to put the order in. She told us she'd be right back, disappeared to the back, and returned a few minutes later. 

"Emily, did you get it?" 

My eyes widened when I heard that familiar voice walking from the back. I stared at the doorway, hoping my ears weren't playing tricks on me. A few minutes later, Ashlynn walked up front, her eyes focused on the barista and the register, not paying attention to who was standing at the counter. 

"That will be $11.89." Ashlynn tucked a piece of dark auburn hair behind her ear, then looked up from the register. "Rylee!" She rushed around the counter. "Oh, my god! I'm so glad you're okay. She threw her arms around me, pausing mid-air as if there was some invisible barrier around me. She took a step back and lowered her arms. I appreciated everyone respecting my space, but they didn't have to be afraid to hug me either. Some people did need to ask me for permission, but my friends weren't one of them. 

I moved closer and threw my arms around her neck. "I'm so glad you're back." 

"It's because of you that I came back. I heard what she said to you. I knew you'd return to work soon, and I didn't want you putting up with her. She would've been here all the time if I hadn't come back." 

"Thanks, Ashlynn." I let go of her, and she walked back around the counter. She told us our drinks would be out in a few minutes. We walked over to join Cole and Tristan at the corner booth. Cole slid out, and Tristan followed right behind him. I slid into the booth, watching Cole and Tristan up at the counter as they tried to decide what kind of coffee to order. The corners of my mouth curled into a slight smile as I continued to watch, a new relationship starting. 

I couldn't handle the suspense anymore and blurted out the question. "I guess the weekend up at the cabin is off because of what happened at school?" I pressed my lips together. 

Sadie, Austin, and Logan sat there swapping glances with one another before turning to look at me. "We don't know for sure yet. But there's a good possibility they aren't going to let us go." Sadie sighed, looking away. 

"I'm sorry." I lowered my head, sinking back into the booth cushion. 

"Rylee, it's not your fault. You didn't know he was in the school. None of this is your fault. Don't ever apologize." Austin took my hand, kissed the back, then kissed the side of my forehead. 

Author's Notes:

Sounds like everyone is starting to smother Rylee a little bit. 

If you like this chapter, please show it some love by giving it a vote. Thanks! A.L. 

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