Chapter 5

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For the longest time Rosalie held Josie in the woods on the day they had finally reunited with each other.

They didn't go back when they heard the bell ring, nor did they feel the need to talk much. They'd never felt the need to talk as long as they were in each other's arms they were content, letting their bodies tell each other what needed to be said.

When their lips met, everything could be told in a simple kiss. Their love so sound and sure that they needn't any words to tell people how they felt for each other.

This was the bond of true mates. Mates that are so perfect for one another that no other person could fill the void in one's absence.

It's what made Rosalie so bitter towards her family members.

She may love each and every one of them, unfortunately that also included Edward, but she loved Josie more, and without Josie, Rosalie wasn't really Rosalie.

She was just this hollow husk of the woman she once was back in 1933 before she lost Josie to Royce King the III.

Their love was what made Rosalie happy, what made her life worth living. Without Josie, Rosalie couldn't function properly, she hid her emotions in a facade that showed a strong confident women when really she was just broken.

Broken beyond repair unless Josie was somehow revived. Rosalie hated being a vampire with all of her being because that meant that she couldn't die with Josie that night.

That Josie died alone, and somehow Rosalie was given immortality. Which meant she'd never see Josie again, or so she thought.

Thought standing here with Josie in her arms once again gave a piece of Rosalie back that she had thought she'd once lost.

While Josie was reborn, she watched Rosalie grown for decades, not being able to touch her or even talk to her and tell her that she was there was metaphorical torture.

She watched in despair as the love of her life become so cold, so hollow to who she once was.

She couldn't do anything about it and that hurt her soul. So when Fate gave her a second chance she jumped on it knowing that Rosalie needed her.

They may of not been together for long(less than a year, about 9 months really) she knew that she loved Rosalie Lillian Hale with every fiber of her very being.

Hell, they'd wanted to run away together. Start their own little family and finally be at piece.

Josie is just hurt that she had to leave her father so suddenly. Watching him mourne over her death was hard. Harder than she expected it would be.

Josie tuned into her surroundings again as she noticed Rosalie looking at her.

"Jo, how are you here?" Rosalie asked the dreaded question. Josie didn't know whether to lie or to tell the truth.

Though looking into her soulmates eyes she blurred out the truth. "I'm a hybrid." Josie closed her eyes and dropped her head on Rosalie's shoulder.

God she was terrible at lying to her soulmate, it was unreal how adorable and breath taking Rose's eyes were.

"A hybrid?" Rosalie asked in pure confusion, not knowing what that was.

"A hybrid of a vampire and a werewolf. Apparently I wasn't suppose to die that night, Death had been doing a sloppy job and collected my soul too early according to Lady Fate. She gave me another chance to be with you. She also compensated for my loss of time on my other life by giving me powers. I'm able to control one's mind and have the ability to control fire." Josie said to her lover hoping it would appease her.

Rosalie's eyes widened at that. A vampire who could control fire. "Woah, that's so cool. My mate is the coolest." Rosalie smirked as if it was a competition.

Josie laughed, Rosalie had always been competitive when they were younger. It was no surprise that she was the same was as a vampire.

If anything it seemed being a vampire had made her even more competitive.

"You should come over to my house and meet my family, it would be so great to finally be able to introduce them to the love of my life." Rosalie said into Josie's shoulder.

"Of course darling, anything for you." Josie said.


It was finally the end of the school day, not that Josie went to her last 3 classes but, she did spend those hours alone with Rosalie in the woods, so she guesses it was a win-win situation for her.

Rosalie lead Josie to a mansion hidden in the woods. It was beautiful in the eyes of Josie and she wanted to laugh at all the windows in the house.

Luckily they were in the woods and no one would see them shining like freaking discount disco balls.

Rosalie saw that everyone was home already which was a shock.

Normally Carlisle didn't get home till later in the day.

He must of got off work early, Rosalie concluded to herself.

She could hear her siblings inside talking to Esme and Carlisle about their days. Rosalie opened the door and the house grew quite rather quickly.

Rosalie walked into the sitting room with Josie behind her clutching her hand.

Carlisle gasped as he looked at the girl who was already dead when he grabbed Rosalie off of the streets so long ago before he turned her.

"How can this be, you were dead?" Carlisle asked. He wasn't able to explain what he's seeing. She couldn't be a vampire, she was already dead by the time he went to save the two girls.

It was one of the saddest days of his life, seeing suck a young girl dead at the hands of some pretty vile men.

One of the only people Carlisle couldn't save with vampirism.

It was such a shock when young Rosalie woke up and asked about the girl(Edward wasn't there) and he watched as she dry heaved when he told her that the girl was found dead the next morning and her funeral was already held by the time Rosalie woke up.

It was the only time he'd ever seen Rosalie look like she was going to cry.

"Hello." The girl said. Her voice was melodic and had an undertone of a French accent.

"Hi, what's your name, how do you and Rose know each other, cute outfit!" Alice said chirpily bouncing up and down excitedly.

"My name's Josephine Swan, most people call me JJ, I've known Rosalie since before she was turned into a vampire, thanks, something told me to wear white today so I did." Josie answered her questions as best as she could.

She got a beaming smile in return so she thinks she did well.

"Wait! You knew Rose before she was a vampire? How can that be?" Emmett asked confused. He was sure this girl was a human.

Though now that he let his senses settle he could hear her father slowly abnormal heartbeat and smell her intoxicating scent that calmed his inner vampire down.

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