Chapter nine

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When Josie woke up later the next day she snuggled into the cold embrace of her lover, knowing she'd stayed with her the whole night and that it wasn't some huge illusion brought a content smile to her face.

She stayed in her arms for another five minutes before she sighed as her alarm clock blared to life reminding her that she had to go to a place of hell, I mean school to learn things she'd already knew.

As if Rosalie read her thoughts —that was Edward's power not hers— she giggled and sat up much to the annoyance of her mate.

"Noooooo" the hybrid complained.

"We have school Jo, andu siblings will probably bombard me with questions on why I just disappeared with you last night, it's going to be so annoying." Rosalie muttered.

"Do we have to go?" Josie asked. Whilst Josie had good enough control over her hunger, it wasn't necessarily the best.

She had to stay away from Bella for months when Bella got.her period for the first time.

It was so hard not to be disgusted but also fascinated about how period blood smelt different than regular blood, which is probably because that blood is stuck to decaying skin cells.

Also, Bella's scent was intoxicating enough, she didn't need her bleeding even more. She was clumsy enough as it is and trying to control her hybrid face was hard enough as it is.

Especially when she gets emotional.

"Come on, up you go. Just get dressed and I'll be back in thirty minutes to pick you up. Drink a blood bag, get some coffee, maybe take a shower or do your hair if you want and then I'll honk to tell you I'm here." Rosalie promised her mate.

"Fine." Josie said with a long suffering sigh. Rosalie smiled at how dramatic her mate was, she'd missed that when she'd first became a vampire.

She'd have conversations in her head and then try and think of responses that Josie might say to her in all her infinite wisdom.

She'd do that whenever she was alone.

That way Edward wouldn't be able to spy on her thoughts and know how truly depressed she was.

After all, it was kinda his fault that she was turned.

She'd been ready to die on that street corner, beside her lover, where she belonged for eternity and beyond.

But Carlisle had found her, turned her against her wishes, all in hopes that she would be Edward's mate.

She was insecure when Edward turned her down, and mad. No matter how much she didn't care if he loved her or not.

She'd hated the fact that the reason Carlisle changed her was because he wanted his son to be happy, not because there was no ulterior motive.

I mean sure, he wanted to save her life, but he never gave her the choice, which is why she'd hated him for the first few decades after her transition.

Finding Emmett only two years later had helped a bit knowing that they had a strong friendship, like platonic soulmates of sorts.

But she'd still held that resentment, even to this day.

It had died down significantly to tiny embers that flared here and there,. especially every time Carlisle chose Edward over the other members of the family.

But, she was kind of glad for the change now,.she got to reunite with the love of her life, she got to experience that all consuming feeling of belonging once again.

Because she belonged in Josie's heart as much as Josie belonged to hers.

Rosalie hopped out of the window, zooming to her room and hopping into the open window shutting and locking it firmly once she was inside.

She went to her closet, chosing her outfit, and then headed to the shower.

Ten minutes later she was dressed and heading down the stairs once again like nothing had happened yesterday.

She was willing to ignore it if they were.

She looked around seeing no Edward anywhere and rolled her eyes, right, she'd forgotten in her happy induced state that Edward had gone up to Denali to visit the cousin's and get his blood lust under control since Bella Swan was his blood singer.

"Rose! You're back. How was it?" Caroline asked rapid firing her questions like usual.

One word used to describe about the other blond that played her triplet. Hyperactive.

She was like Alice in many ways, fashion crazy, loved gossip, and she was always so damn cheerful.

Unless she was talking about her tragic backstory that was.

Though the girl was also like Rose in a lot of ways too. Insecure, likes things to stay in order, wanted children and to grow old.

Though Caroline said that she became a better person after vampirism. She wasn't all too nice and fun in the beginning according to her.

She was born back during the time of the witch trials, like Carlisle.

The second oldest in the coven.

"It was okay, we didn't do... that if you were wondering. I just held her whilst she slept. She thought that I was an illusion, she was in so much pain." Rosalie said sadly, the thought of her mate suffering making her want to cry tears that she knew would never fall.

Caroline, sensing her sister's distress held her hand out and pulled Rosalie into her side, the younger blond cuddled up to the older vampire with a sigh.

"Talk to me." Caroline said.

Rosalie complied, she always did when Caroline asked. Caroline was a safe space for Rosalie as the blond normally always took her side since they thought and had the same opinions most of the time.

"It's just that... seeing her again, holding her again, it's a dream come true. It's like, for the first time in my immortal life, I can breathe again and it feels so good. The first time that I'd ever met her flashed back into my mind and then all the memories that we made soon after that flooded in and it made me realize that, no matter how hard I was trying to fool myself that I was okay all this time, no matter how hard I tried to keep my mask up, I would have never truly of been happy without her by my side. I've lost her once,. I can't lose her again, I won't survive it Care. I'd die with her just so that I wouldn't have to suffer another second without her." Rosalie answered as honestly as she could.

She knew the others were listening in, solely based on the sad mumbling from Esme as for the first time in about 71 years, she realized just how unhappy her first daughter was.

She heard Alice and Jasper quietly humming to each other from the garage, knowing that they were probably dancing their feelings out.

Rosalie's inner turbulent having affected them, mostly Jasper because he was closer to Rosalie, playing her triplet and all, one gets close after a few decades.

"All I can say is, treasure her. Don't waste a second on petty fights, don't let her go ever again. Get to know her in this new life, find out all her new quirks, build a life together with new memories, but don't forget the old ones either. Do all that, and I'm sure you'll be alright." Caroline said.

"Thanks Care." Rosalie said.

"You're welcome Rose." Caroline smiled.

"I'd better go pick up Josie now. I hope you don't mind going in Emmett's car today. I'm also planning on asking her to have lunch with us, maybe you guys can get to know her slowly, not too many questions and don't gang up on her, I don't want her running away because she's overwhelmed." Rosalie said.

"Don't worry Rose, we'll treat her like anyone else in the family, with kindness and caution." Emmett said popping out of nowhere, though he had blood on his shirt so he'd probably gone hunting.

Rosalie snorted before speeding away to the garage to get her car.

She had a mate to pick up, and a school full of teenagers to shock, hopefully into silence.

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