Chapter 17

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Rosalie and Josie sped right into the clearing, Josie obviously beating Rosalie as her hybrid speed was superior to that of Rosalie's vampire speed.

She could have gotten there much faster, but she liked the feeling of running alongside her mate.

There was just something about it that made her giddy and her heart skip a beat.

As soon as they slid to a stop, the rest of the Cullen's who were either talking to each other, riling the other up, or doing tricks with their bat.

"Hey girls." Esme said with a smile on her face, happy to see the two together and happy.

Plus, she hadn't seen Josie since Bella found out about vampires.

The twins spent the weekend catching up on life, talking about the supernatural, or in their rooms with their respective vampire.

Josie and Rosalie have finally been able to stay away from each other for up to three hours before Josie desiccated into a husk.

It had been hard on them, they were like two magnets who couldn't be away from each other for too long.

The two get to stretching each other out for the baseball game whilst joking with the rest of the family.


Edward and Bella climb into a massive jeep parked in the drive.

Edward looked amused as he said his next words to Bella.

"Your father thinks you should go to an all-girl's school." Edward said with laughter in his voice.

"What about Josie?" Bella asked very curious about what their father thought of Rosalie and her relationship with her twin.

"He actually likes Rosalie, he thinks that it's the most that he's seen Josie happy since she was a teenager. He said that Rosalie seemed to bring Josie to life and he is forever grateful to her for it." Edward said.

Bella looked thoughtful. She remembered that Josie always seemed to keep to herself, I mean she'd seem outgoing, but she has never really had a best friend or a lot of friends that she trusted explicitly.

So seeing her with the other Cullen and Hale children, seeing her with Rosalie, it was the happiest and most excited that Bella had ever seen her twin.

Outside of doing things she loved like soccer, horseback riding, ice skating, or snowboarding.

"It's true. This is the happiest I've ever seen Josie. Like genuinely happy and not fake happy." Bella said.

Edward hummed.

He's only seen Josie as Josie Dupont from Rosalie's memories.

He's seen how she was always happy and passionate whenever speaking about something she enjoyed doing, comparing that to Rosalie's thoughts and memories of Josie Swan, he'd seen her and Rosalie's love for each other and he's never seen a love story that strong, then again, he's never seen one mate die and then come back to life seventy years later just to return that love tenfold to the one still alive.

That would be an amazing story to have.

"No fair reading Charlie's mind." Bella halfheartedly complained.

As they climb in the Jeep, Bella notices a baseball bat

"And since when do vampires like baseball?" Bella asked in confusion. Not expecting super strong creatures to play a human game during their free time.

"It's the American pastime. Plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why." Edward said with a small smile on his face, remembering all the times he and his coven had played baseball.

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