Chapter 20

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"Edward, where's..." Bella said as she tried to sit up.

"He's asleep." Renee said.

She nods across the room to a chair in which Edward “sleeps."

"He never leaves. And your dad's down in the cafeteria with Josie and Rosalie. That blond is a sweet girl, good for your sister." Renee admitted.

"What... happened?" Bella asked.

"Baby, you fell down two flights of stairs and through a window." Renee answers her.

Bella is drawing a blank, confused. Renee tried to jog her memory.

"Edward came here to convince you to come back to Forks. His father brought him down. You went to their hotel but you tripped on the stairs." Renee said.

A moment... then Bella realizes it's a cover story. She nods.

"Sounds like me." Bella admits. Obviously it seemed like something that could have happened to her. No wonder her parents think it was true. Josie must have come up with it.

Renee's cell phone BEEPS. She opens it. Reading a text, she starts typing in a reply.

"It's Phil. He's worried about you." Renee admitted.

"Mom, you're... texting." Bella said dumbfounded.

"I told him to stay in Florida. The Suns signed him!" Renee said with a large smile on her face.

"That's great mom." Bella said, honestly very happy for Phil.

"Jacksonville is always sunny and you'll have your own bathroom—" Renee goes on to say, but then she's cut off.

"Mom, wait. I want to live in Forks. I have Josie and Dad. (Sees the get well cards)... and friends..." Bella said. A small smile on her face.

Switches to Edward's "sleeping form."

"And he's there." Renee said softly.

Bella shrugs, conceding the truth.

"Charlie doesn't like him. Blames

him for your leaving.

"What do you think?" Bella asked.

"I think that boy is in love with you." Renee whispered towards her eldest daughter.

Bella smiles. Renee grins. Bella glances at Edward.

"Um, Mom, would you mind getting Dad?I want to talk to him. Apologize." Bella said feeling guilty.

"I'm sure he doesn't care about that, Baby. But I‘ll go get him." Renee said genuinely honest to her eldest.

Rene kisses Bella's forehead. Exits. Bella watches her go.

The door shut behind her. Bella turns back to find Edward standing next to her with deep concern. Her eyes began to well with tears.

He kisses her forehead soothingly.

"Is James - did you --?" Bella couldn't even think to form the question, her thoughts were all over the place.

"We took care of him. And the woman, Victoria, ran off." Edward admitted. He wasn't happy about that, hopefully she'd leave them alone.

She closes her eyes with relief, then looks at him.

"I'm alive because of you." Bella said to him.

"You're in here because of me." Edward's face darkened just by thinking of it.

Her wounds cause him pain. He strokes her face.

"The worst of it... was thinking I couldn't stop" Edward said. Just thinking about it upset him. He thought he was stronger than that.

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