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(Watching the other vampires as they sit around the camp fire talking)

"I can't help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because I fell in love with a human." Edward said. He looked at all the happy couples, some having just found their mates after over a thousand years being alone (Tanya, Kate, and Irina) some who have more to fight for (like Rosalie and Josie), and even some who have yet to find their mates.

It just made him realize that he could be sending these people to their deaths, all because he fell in love with a human.

"You found your mate. You deserve to be happy." Carlisle told him gently.

He truly believed that after all of Edward's time alone, he deserved the happiness that Bella gave him.

"But at what cost?" Edward asked painfully.

"Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do." Carlisle said looking over his coven. Esme was sat beside Josie and Rosalie, Emmett and Caroline were leaning on trees happily talking to Maggie from the Irish coven. The look on his face was fond.

He had so much to fight for, and it was all because he but Edward back in the 1900s.

If he hadn't of bitten him, then he probably never would of turned Esme, or Rosalie, or Emmett, possibly never met Alice, Jasper, Caroline, Josie, or Bella.

All of his life's decisions started the moment he gave Edward immortality, and he'd never trade it for the world.

(Edward looks over at Bella and Renesmee in their tent)

"Carlisle, I've never thanked you. For this extraordinary life." Edward told the man he saw as his father. The person who gave him everything.

He had brooded and hated his life for so long after.he became a vampire, but now, seeing Bella and their daughter, he was suddenly thankful for everything that vampirism has offered him.

(Carlisle puts his hand on Edward shoulder as they stand and keep watching over the others)

(In their tent, Renesmee opens the locket containing a photo of Bella and Edward and the message ‘Plus que ma propre vie' engraved in it)

"This means "More than my own life." That's how much I love you. Tomorrow I'm gonna need you to stay with Jacob. No matter what. Even if I tell him that... That he has to take you somewhere. There, your cousins will be with Tanya, Leah, and Seth." Bella explained to her daughter. There was pain hidden in her eyes, but she had to be strong, not only for herself and Edward, but also for her daughter who she may never see again.

(Renesmee starts crying and Bella takes her into her arms)

"Hey. Baby, it's all right. You're gonna be safe. Always." Bella whispered to her little girl as she held her to her chest.

Josie and Rosalie went on a walk, far enough away from any prying ears.

They simply walked around holding hands, absorbing all of the emotions that were warring with their bodies.

"Have I ever told you thank you?" Rosalie suddenly spoke, disturbing the calm bubble around them.

"What for Mon amour." Josie asked her mate.

"For giving me a chance, for loving me, for giving me everything I have every wanted? Love, somewhere to come home to, children. I thought that when I became a vampire and learnt that you had died, that everything was over. I had no fight left in me. I spent all my time building up these walls and a facade, hiding who I really was. You were the only one to see past those walls back in 1932, back when we had met and I was engaged to Royce King the III. I remember how alone I had felt, and then I bumped into you, quite literally, and you caught me before I could fall. I remember looking into your eyes, the way my heart picked up speed, the way my breath hitched, I had fallen for you at first sight and I never even knew it. Spending all those years without you alive was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. But when we met eyes once again, I knew we had been given a second chance, I knew I couldn't waste it either. You have always been the love of my life, my reason for living. I am not the real me without you. So I want to say thank you, for everything that you do for me, and because of me." Rosalie said as she looked Josie in the eyes.

Josie had tears running down her face. The speech was something that wasn't expected, but very much appreciated.

"I have so many thoughts and feelings about you that I can't put into words. No words can ever describe the way that I feel about you, the words haven't been made yet and I don't think they ever will be. Our love has been something that was unexplainable. We've suffered through so much pain, so much heartache, we've both died and got ressurected, spent seventy years apart, and still, our love has never faded away. If anything, it's gotten stronger. I once told you that in Greek Mythology there were people born with two heads, four arms, and four legs before Zeus found them too dangerous and cut them in half. I truly belief that you and I were cut in half long ago, our strings intertwined by the strings of fate, our love story written in the stars. Being here with you, experiencing this second chance, I want to reiterate what I said back then." Josie said softly.

"If by some chance we do meet again in another life, I'm going to hold you to that dance. Until then, be happy. And as you grow and find the parts of your life that fit you perfectly, make sure you never let them go." Josephine whispered, once again promising to find Rosalie wherever she went.

"We are meant to be, I realize that now. I have kept my promise of finding you in another life, and now I'm going to make you a new promise. I promise, that in any life that we live that I will find you, I will stand by your side, I will remind you of all the reasons why I love you, I will love you until my final breath, and even after that. I have proved that I will transverse time and space so that we could love one another, and I am willing to defy any and everyone including Death and Fate themselves if it means that we can remain together for as long as we both shall live." Josie whispered as she held Rosalie's face in her hands.

Rosalie smiled, clutching her wife's neck and dragging her in for a kiss full of love and devotion. Full of all the unspoken promises that they couldn't even say. Their love was something that's hard to describe and something that couldn't be written down.

The best love stories are the ones that you can't explain. The feelings are incomprehensible. They spent the rest of their time holding onto each other, never wanting to let go.

But eventually Josie had to rest up, so she and Rosalie went into the second tent set up.

Rosalie held onto Josie as she slept, keeping her safe, and just relishing in the comfort that Josie's presence provided her.


(When it is time for the Volturi to arrive, the Cullens and their witnesses, all gather are met in a large, snow-covered field, Garret stands next to Kate as they watch and wait)

"If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman." Garrett told his newly found mate.

"Now you tell me." Kate said.

Earning a chuckle from Josie and some of the others.

(They hear the Volturi and their army getting closer, everyone was tense, the anticipation growing.)

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