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(Billy sits in his wheelchair on the porch, surrounded by the pack, including Emily but sans Sam. They wait anxiously.)

(BELLA'S TRUCK pulls up. She hurriedly climbs out.)

(As she reaches the porch a loud yell of excruciating pain emanates from inside the house; Jacob. Bella flinches, feeling the pain herself. They all do.)

(It's all Billy can do to keep it together. Emily, next to him, puts an arm around his shoudlers.)

"It's been going on for a while." Quil said.

"Doc's rebreaking his bones." Embry said.

(Bella reacts to the horror of that. Leah paces.)

"Why'd he have to butt in? I could've taken that leech..." Leah complained, hiding her worry by bitching.

"Oh, give it a rest, Leah." Paul said.

(They all spin toward the front door as it opens Carlisle exits with Sam.)

"The worst is over. He'll be alright." Carlisle assured them.

(Billy exhales heavily, tears threatening. Sam puts a hand on Billy's shoulder. Emily wraps an arm around Sam's waist.)

"I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip." Carlisle informed the pack.

"Thank you." Billy said.

"He's asking for you." Carlisle said to Bella.

(They all look at her. A combination of pleading – “don't hurt him” – and threatening – “if you hurt him” – OFF Bella, as she heads inside.)


(Bella quietly enters to find Jacob lying in bed. The entire right side of his body is in a series of braces. Bella can't bear to see him this way.)

"Hey, Jake." Bella mutters.

(He looks up with some effort. Breath short. But he smiles.)

"Hey. I was worried about you." Jacob said.

"You were worried about me?" Bella asked.

"Yeah. I guessed Edward would read my thoughts. Was he hard on you?" Jacob asked. Kinda sorry for kissing her, but not sorry enough because he believes he deserved her.

"He wasn't even mad at me. Or you." Bella said.

"Well, damn. He's better than I thought." Jacob said.

"He's not playing a game." Bella said.

"Right. Bella... He's not as perfect as you think." Jacob said.

"I know who he is. I must not talk about that." Bella said.

"I'd rather get all the rebreaking done at once." Jacob said.

(She carefully sits next to him on the bed.)

"I'm sorry, Jake. But it's like... Sam imprinting on Emily. I never had a choice with Edward." Bella told the boy, hoping he would just let it rest.

"That's crap. You're not a wolf, remember?" Jacob said.

"Still. It's what it is." Bella said.

"At least I know I did everything I could. It wasn't easy making you admit your feelings for me." Jacob said to her.

"I only fought them, because I know they wouldn't change anything." Bella said.

"I'm exactly right for you, Bella. It would be as easy as breathing with me." Jacob said.

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