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Upon arriving back to the dorms, Jisung awoke with a slight nudge from Minho. The group hadn't wasted time and were now for the most part, all sleeping. The only exceptions were Chan, who stayed up most nights in his studio, and Jisung, who was laying restless in his bed.

He wasn't sure what was to blame, his nap in the car, or his wandering mind, but he just couldn't close his eyes. He had laid there for what felt like hours, but to no avail. Something was gnawing at him, that was for sure.

He replayed the day in his head, mostly focusing on his meeting with the fans. One interaction obviously stuck out to him. 

Sitting up, he peered across the dark room at his silent roommate. 

"Seungmin?" He tried, hearing nothing from the other bed. He waited for a while, watching for movement, no matter how minute, but it never came. "Are you awake?"

Seeing that his roommate may as well be dead, he reached over and grabbed his phone from off the table, the sudden bright light temporarily blinding him.

Hearing footsteps from the hallway he paused, waiting for someone to burst through the door and demand to know what he was doing. His body was frozen, just waiting to be caught. He felt as though he was a young child, staying up way past their bedtime, and not the adult man that he was. After a moment, the sounds passed again, and Jisung heard a door close, signifying that whoever it was had gone back to their room. 

Once again he pulled the device out, feeling as though he was committing some great sin merely by looking something up. He shrugged off the feeling, finding his curiosity more important than his salvation.

Jisung's fingers hovered anxiously over the screen, itching to type out the word circling his head for the past few hours.

For a moment he hesitated. What on earth was about to show up on his phone? Was this some trap that the fans had laid for him? The fans weren't always innocent, Jisung had come to discover that very well.

There was only one way to find out.

"Fan..." He breathed, determined to know the truth. He took each letter one by one, preparing himself for the answer. "...fiction."

With his pointer finger paused above the search button, he took one last glance towards his roommate. Seungmin was out cold, unable to stop his friend from making a terrible decision.

Abandoning his hesitation, he hit the screen. Panicked, he practically threw his phone, the poor thing landing at the end of his bed. Crawling on his hands and knees, he watched as the loading screen disappeared, replaced with tiny words.

Jisung gingerly picked up the device, the bright words standing out against the dark backdrop of his room. 

"Fictional stories written by fans based off different types of media." He read the definition to no one particular, his mind attempting to wrap around the concept.

Seeing a website directly under the meaning, his curious hands couldn't help but go to it. Pictures and words filled the screen, his wandering eyes analyzing each one.

"They're..." Jisung stated absentmindedly, no one but the shadows there to listen. "Books?"

 What an odd thing to recommend to the idol. Sure, he didn't mind reading, but what was so special about these?

Only grazing the surface level, the rapper began to recognize references from books, movies, even a fellow band. 

That made him wonder, was it possible that someone would write about them?

Quickly finding the search bar, he held his breath until the words Stray Kids appeared.

In only a moment, his screen was flooded with stories about the group, some in languages Jisung couldn't even read.

He tried other options.


Lee Know.


Each time, there were more results than the rapper could ever read in his life. If there were stories about everyone else, that had to mean there were books about him too, right?

With fingers mentally crossed, he tried again. 

Han Jisung.

Just like before, an endless array of books filled the small screen, some of them even had his picture as the cover. Filled with sudden excitement, Jisung almost woke his roommate up just to tell him the news.

People actually took their time to write about him?

He felt so honored, and he didn't even know what the stories were about.

Then it occurred to him, he could read any of these that he wanted, anytime, anywhere. He wasted no time, pressing the first one he saw.

Jisung was now determined to read all of this 'fanfiction' stuff, no matter how long it took him.

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