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"I'm not going to assume anything," Felix raised his innocent hands in the air, an apologetic look on his face. "But it kind of sounds like you're in love with him."

That took Jisung off guard, that was for sure. "Excuse me? Why would you assume something ridiculous like that?"

Felix's head tilted in disbelief as he stared the older boy down. He refused to believe that Jisung thought he was that dense. "You just told me in the course of like eleven sentences how you love when he has to brush his hair out of the way because it's covering his eyes. You know who says things like that, Jisung? People who are in love."

"That's- No. I don't remember saying that." Jisung shook his head emphatically. "Everyone talks like that, ok? Trust me. I am not in love."

Felix knew that both of those statements were nowhere near the truth but he didn't want to upset the older. Instead, he just felt kind of bad. He could understand why Jisung was being hesitant. It was a hard thing to admit to anyone, especially someone so close to you, even though that should have been the easiest. Not to mention the repercussions a few mere words could have on his career. It was a risky thing in Jisung's situation, being in love.

He decided to take some of the pressure off of the poor boy.

"Well I don't know how you feel about Minho, but I know that you're very important to him." Felix had gotten all the information he needed to hear and more, it was his turn to share. 

Taking a cookie off the plate he had set out for them earlier, he watched the older boy. The statement visibly did something to Jisung, a surprised look on his innocent face appeared. "I am?"

"Well of course, and not just in a coworker, bandmate sort of way."  Felix nodded. Jisung looked for any hint of a lie, a hidden smile or suppressed laughter, but there was none. "He talks about you often, sometimes even when he doesn't know I'm listening." 

"That could mean anything." Jisung shrugged, refusing to let himself have any hope. "I'm sure he talks about lots of people. He's nice, so he's got plenty of friends."

Felix just shook his head, brows scrunched in thought. "I don't know for sure what Minho's feelings are towards you, maybe he doesn't even know them himself. What I do know is that they're different for you than they are for everyone else, and that means something."

Jisung could tell from the look in the younger's eyes that he was supposed to remember that sentiment. He knew right there that he should have more empty dorm chats with Felix, he was sitting atop some good information.

"Can I ask?" Jisung questioned, his voice barely audible. He was afraid that if he pressed into the topic his feelings would be obvious, but he didn't care much at this point. "What kind of things does he say?"

Felix smiled, very glad that the older felt comfortable and open enough to ask questions of his own. "Sometimes he'll wonder out loud about how your day is going. He'll ask me to remind him to make sure you took medicine if you mentioned a headache that day. Other times he'll tell me about something funny you said or a time when you made him smile. It's different every time."

Jisung put a hand to his chest, his insides feeling all fuzzy, most people deeming the experience as butterflies.

Felix frowned, information surfacing in his mind. "Lately he's been different though. He seems troubled. Most nights he just lays awake for hours, he's so worried."

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