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Han Jisung is hiding something.

At first it was just a suspicion, an idea in the back of Minho's mind. He barely even thought about it, let alone noticed things that would add to the fire.

Now it was an obvious fact, blaring quite loudly in the Lee's face. He couldn't stop seeing it, let alone think about anything else.

It kept him up at night, and when he finally fell asleep and was able to temporarily forget about it, he was only reminded again with the sight of the rapper in the morning. 

It was driving him crazy, the way that Jisung was avoiding his eyes, dodging his questions. Although his mind ran wild with ideas of why Jisung was acting so strange, he tried to keep it simple.

Maybe the man was just tired, he did work a lot. Maybe he was just in a mood, a passing phase. Or more likely, Minho was imagining the whole thing.

But he knew that wasn't it. Jisung had exhausted himself almost beyond repair before, but it was completely different. Back then he had relied on the older, not completely shut him out.

Call Minho selfish all you wanted, but he missed Jisung. 

He missed their late night talks, and when Jisung would beg him to stay up and watch a movie after being turned down by all the other members. He missed their quiet laughs on the back of the bus when everyone else had fallen asleep. He missed when the rapper's hand would accidentally brush against his own, and the indescribable feeling he got whenever the younger smiled.

Maybe Minho was losing his mind after all. His thoughts were filled with visions of the boy with the tall shoes.

At first, he thought maybe it was just Jisung. He figured that maybe the heavy workload or stress was causing the man to act differently towards everyone. But Minho caught on to something fast. 

Jisung wasn't avoiding everyone, just him. 

He made himself sick mentally going over the past few weeks in his head, searching for whatever he had done to cause this behavior. Had he offended the younger somehow? Done something to cause this rift in their relationship?

Minho's mind began to wander, imagining all these reasons for the difference in behavior. Maybe he was leaving the group, moving onto something else and was just too afraid to tell him. Maybe he had just gotten tired of Minho, although the older certainly hoped that wasn't the case. 

It all started with that phone.

What used to be something Jisung barely looked at now took up all his time and attention. He couldn't be pulled away from whatever he was doing on there, Minho didn't have the slightest clue. He could remember Jisung's guarded behavior towards the device.

A few days ago he had been cleaning up the dorm a little and found Jisung's phone. He had only picked it up in order to give it to the rapper, but words on the screen caught his eye.

"'Stop teasing, Minnie.' The younger whined-"

Before Minho could see any more, a horrified Jisung appeared to snatch the thing out of his hands. The rapper looked like he was about to be sick to his stomach, his face paling by the second. He was about to ask a follow up question, but the younger beat him to it.

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