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Jisung woke the next morning to find Seungmin's bed empty and already made. Rubbing his tired eyes, he got up, investigating the silent hallway.

Usually at this time the dorm was bustling, sound emitting from all over as the early morning happened. Now it was dead, not a soul in sight. 

Jisung peeked a curious head in the neighboring rooms, finding each one deserted. Although they all lived together, it had been a while since he had been in some of the other rooms. He mentally judged each one as he went, taking note of how messy Jeongin was, how Changbin had zero decorating skills, and how neat Minho's space was, even the warm smell inviting Jisung in. 

Not wanting to be too creepy, the rapper hesitantly left, closing the door behind him. The sight of each of those empty rooms only sparked more excitement in him as he went along. For the first time in a long time, he would have the apartment all to himself. 

What would he do all day with his alone time? He could do anything he wanted! He could be as loud as he wanted. He could watch any show he liked without Hyunjin mocking it over his shoulder, and not have to worry about Jeongin asking for a bit of whatever food he had made for himself. 

This was going to be nice.

Jisung should have known not to get his hopes up though, as he met a pair of eyes walking into the kitchen. He couldn't help but think of how ridiculously Changbin had acted as he observed the man sitting at the counter, almost waiting for the rapper to arrive.

"Good morning." The thickly accented voice smiled, gaze following wherever the other man moved. 

Jisung nodded to the bright boy, seeing no other person in sight. "Where is everyone?"

Felix thought for a moment, his eyes on the ceiling as he counted off his fingers. "Chan and Minho are at the gym, Seungmin didn't tell me, Changbin is spending his day off in town, and the other two had some important work to do."

Jisung nodded, surprised to find the Australian staring wide eyed back at him once again. What was with him today? It was starting to scare the rapper. 

"That leaves just me and you today." Felix grinned, gesturing to a chair across from where he was sitting. "Take a seat, Jisung." 

Something about the way that request was uttered made Jisung uneasy. He felt like a sitting duck, as if someone was going to pounce on him at any moment. Usually he felt so comfortable with the Australian, but something told him to run far, far away from this situation. But why?

 Felix waited for his friend to get comfortable before leaning slightly forward, a cup of something hot raised in his hand, Jisung could see the steam coming off of it. "What do you think of Minho?"

Oh. That was the impending doom that Jisung felt storming over his head. With words caught in his throat, the rapper put a fidgety hand on the nape of his neck. "What?"

"Lee Minho." Felix shrugged, observing every one of the other man's expressions as he grabbed another glass from the cupboard. "What are your thoughts on him? Feelings? Pet peeves? Anything, really."

No, no, no. This was like Jisung's nightmare come to life. "I don't know. Nothing really."

Felix's eyes were on his hands, pouring more steaming liquid from a kettle. "The fact that you're sweating profusely and tripping over your words tells me that's not true."

Damn it. Jisung hoped Felix wouldn't notice that.

"Well, he's nice?" Jisung didn't have to go in-depth with this, he could keep it superficial. Why was Felix asking this anyway? "He's a talented artist."

"Tea?" Felix offered the warm drink, pleased when his friend took it. "That's the obvious stuff. I want Han Jisung's inner thoughts."

"Why?" Jisung narrowed his eyes. The tea tasted too good, was it drugged? He doubted that Felix was that desperate for information, he was just that skilled in the culinary department. Still, it was an odd inquiry. 

"I'm just curious." Felix rested his chin on his hand, anxious to hear the other boy's response. "I'm testing a theory of sorts."

"A theory?" Now Jisung was invested. He took a sip, eyeing the suspicious sunny boy. "Care to elaborate?"

Felix set down his drink, eyes examining his friend before ultimately meeting his gaze. "I hear things."

"What sort of things?" Jisung was more curious than cautious. Usually he wouldn't care, but something told him he needed to stay for this discussion. 

"Depends on whatever you have to tell me." Felix sighed, wordlessly laying out the rules for this meeting. Jisung understood that it was a give and take situation, he wouldn't get any information unless he gave the Australian some himself.

"I don't see what any of this has to do with Minho." That was the one thing Jisung was still unsure of. There was no reason that Felix would know anything, unless that weak-willed Changbin had let something slip in a moment of heart-eyed weakness.

"I told you, I hear things here and there." Felix stared at Jisung like he was missing some obvious fact. Probably because he was. "I am his roommate after all."

The lure of whatever information Felix had hit the rapper all at once. Whatever he had to say wasn't some guess he had come up with from observation, it was from the source. Whatever the Australian had to say had come straight from Minho's pretty mouth. The idea was too good to be true. "Lee Minho, our bandmate, said something?"

Felix nodded.

"About me?" Jisung just had to make sure. Maybe the baker had overheard him talking about Seungmin or someone else in the apartment.

Felix nodded.

"You're serious?" The rapper wasn't just going to give in for nothing, he needed security. "This isn't just some ploy to get me to spill my guts?"

"Jisung, it's me." The freckled boy chuckled, almost offended. "Do you really think I'd set some elaborate trap to trick you? I'm just curious about things."

The Australian had a point, Jisung couldn't see him planning some dastardly game just to learn his darkest secrets. This was the man who baked confections for his friends, new and old. This was the man who had stayed up all night just to wish Jisung a happy birthday with a cake he had made just for the rapper, despite it being Felix's own birthday the very next day.

"Alright." He was choosing to trust his friend, despite his very real worries. "What do you want to know?"

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