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"You don't have to do this, you know." Minho whispered, slowly running his fingers through Jisung's hair. "I'll leave it all for you. The group, the fame, I swear." 

"Minho." The rapper smiled, leaning his head against the older's. "Everything is going to be fine."

The Lee wasn't convinced, but he chose not to argue, only taking the younger's hand in his own. "Still. Could he have come up with a more obscure plan?"

Minho tilted his head towards the door they were waiting outside of, a grudge in his voice. 

Lightly hitting, (it was practically a tap), his love, Jisung shook his head. "Be nice, Minho. He's trying to help us. Plus, I think it's exciting, and what's the harm in trying?"

Minho was about to respond with an entire list of everything that could ever go wrong, but a woman walking through the door interrupted him. The pair looked at the new arrival with wide eyes, mostly because it wasn't a woman at all.

Giving the couple a smile, Felix flipped the long hair of the quite realistic wig from off his shoulder and sent them a wink with his glimmering eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Run me through the plan again." Jisung huffed, wiping his palms against his shirt. Was it the heat or the rapper's anxiety causing him to sweat? 

"I already told you in the car." Felix sighed, leading his friend through back roads in order to avoid eyes.

"Well, I know that, but-" Han shook his head. Was there any point in lying right now? "I'm nervous, ok? I just want it to all work perfectly."

"Hey. Calm down, it will be alright." Felix slowed his breath, demonstrating the rhythm to the rapper. Checking his reflection in his phone, he started again. "First, we're going to walk out into the busiest part of town."

"What a great start." Jisung was screwed.

"Let me finish." Felix's eyes were hidden with large, bejeweled sunglasses, but Jisung was sure they were being rolled. "We'll be around people, but we're going to keep our distance, we won't let them get close enough to recognize us.

"We'll pretend we don't see them shooting pictures of Han Jisung and some mystery woman." He gestured to his outfit and faux hairstyle. "That's me."

"What if someone recognizes you?" Jisung posed the question, but he really shouldn't have. Felix had successfully transformed himself into a very believable, very lovely lady. That, topped with the hat and shades that covered his identity, they just might have a fighting chance. 

"They won't." The Australian waved off the question immediately. He was getting a little tired of the interruptions. Why couldn't his friend just trust him? "Anyway, the pictures will spread like a wildfire. They had no proof that you were with a man, but in these, you will clearly be with a woman. People's minds will change, and you'll just be labeled a clumsy romantic."

The idea amused Felix, that was obvious. "You talked to the company, right?"

When Felix had first come to him with this plan, he wanted to dismiss it immediately. He hated it until the Australian began to explain it further. His only job was talking to the company. Jisung had called the nice woman in charge, informed her what they were thinking, and formed a game plan.

They all agreed it would be better to wait a week or two, it would seem odd if Jisung was spotted two consecutive nights. The company already had a very vague, extremely suspicious explanation written up about who Jisung's mystery woman was. They had let the rapper read it, and it almost even convinced him he was secretly dating her.

The only hard part was presenting it to Minho. No matter how much they tried to convince him, he hated the idea. He didn't see the problem in having people know about them, and didn't understand why they would need to convince people otherwise. 

Jisung was worried for days that Minho was mad, and he almost called off the plan. It wasn't until the Lee approached him one night, telling him that if Jisung felt that was necessary, he would support him. Minho although, was quite adamant that if anything went wrong, he would have no problem leaving it all behind.

It was perfect.


"Still up for it?" Felix spoke to him, but his eyes were on the crowded street in front of them. 

Jisung wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to turn back, call it off, but he couldn't. "Let's do this." 

Inspired by the determination, Felix nodded, keeping his head low to only further hide his identity. "Put your hand on my waist."

"Ok- wait, what?" Jisung's face twisted in confusion. "I am not doing that."

"Put your hand on my waist, Han Jisung." The Australian tilted the glasses for a second, showing eyes ready to burn the rapper. "Do you want to sell this or not?"

He did, but it pained him to admit his friend was right. "Alright, fine."

Standing next to his bandmate, Jisung hesitantly placed his hand on Felix's side, sliding closer until the Australian was satisfied.

"Remember, you're a big strong man idol and I'm your helpless, vulnerable damsel who you want to protect from the prying eyes of the outside world." Moving into the rapper's chest, Felix nudged him. "Sell it like your career depends on it."

Wishing to get it over with, Jisung led them into the sun, into the view of everyone around them. They had mapped out a route, the "couple" would only have to walk a block and then they'd hide again. Then the fans and news sites would take care of the rest.

Taking steps past curious eyes, Jisung held Felix close, pretending to shade his own face as well. It didn't take long them to hear the clicks of camera lenses, documenting the scandal. 

Felix was a natural. The way he clung to Jisung, hiding against his chest, only showing enough of himself to arouse suspicions, but not confirm them. 

Jisung was sure to lead them through slight shadows, not making it obvious that they wanted to be seen. Oh, he hoped this worked. He knew that Minho was serious about quitting for him, but that was the Lee's dream, something that he had worked towards for years. Jisung wasn't about to just destroy that.

Seeing their destination where a car would be waiting for them, Jisung was sure to glance around nervously a few times. Perhaps he should go into acting, he was surprisingly loving this. He whispered encouraging words to the Australian, making the gesture as soft and intimate as he could.

Jisung tried to channel how Minho acted towards him. He remembered every action the Lee performed that melted his heart and used it for his disguise. 

Seeing the car, the pair quickened their pace, Felix giving the rapper a subtle hi-five on the way. When they reached the safety of tinted windows, the Australian folded his sunglasses back up, giving the other a smile. "It's all up to the prying public now."

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