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A word that Jisung didn't use often, but one that encapsulated his current surroundings quite well. 

After taking his sweet time to open his tired eyes, the rapper was surprised to find that somewhere during the night, he had wedged himself about as close to Minho as one could get. Lying on his side, he was pressed up against the other man, the older's fingertips trailing up and down Jisung's exposed arm. 

Glancing up, Jisung found that Minho was awake, sitting up and analyzing something on his phone. 

"Good morning."  He sighed, noticing the displeased look on the older's face. Sitting up, he eyed the dancer. "What's wrong, Minho?"

The Lee just sighed, defeated. "I was just checking on the weather report for today. There's a chance it'll rain."

The statement reminded Jisung of what exactly was so special about today. After waiting and waiting, practically counting down the minutes and hours, the two were finally going to get to go out on a real, official date. The rapper had been looking forward to this for forever, and a few raindrops weren't about to rain on his parade. 

"That's fine." Jisung shrugged. "We'll bring an umbrella. A really big one."

Minho huffed, tossing his phone to the side. "I wanted this day to be perfect."

To the rapper, it already was. But Minho demanded perfection, he knew that very well. 

"It will be." Jisung patted the other man's leg with internal determination. "Don't worry. We could break all our limbs in a horrific accident and I'd still laugh about it with you."

"What I have planned isn't quite that terrible." That brought a smile to Minho's once-troubled face. "But I appreciate the optimism."

"See?" Jisung smiled. "We'll be fine."

After taking the time to get ready for the day, the couple met in by the door, pleased to find the place deserted. The group wasn't lying, they really were using this day to hibernate. 

"Ready to go?" Minho said, ecstatic at the sight of the younger practically skipping to him.

"Of course!" Jisung held out his arms, offering the contents to Minho. "I brought our jackets just in case it does rain. It's better to be prepared, you know."  

Taking the clothing piece, the Lee just watched the rapper, adoration in his brown eyes. "What would I do without you?"

Jisung didn't know what to say to such a statement, so he shook his head, moving towards the door. "Come on, you big flirt. Let's get out of here."

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