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"Goodnight, everyone." Jeongin yawned, waving behind him to no one in particular as he made his way to his room.

With dinner wrapped up, the group members were slowly heading to bed, one by one. Jisung could hear a few people in the kitchen doing dishes, and he had seen Seungmin and Hyunjin go to bed already.

Although they were both exhausted, he and Minho sat on the couch in the front room, painfully separated of course, they couldn't go raising suspicions here.

"Sometimes I fantasize about telling them all. Just getting it over with, you know?" Minho whispered, watching Jisung through his eyelashes. "Then we wouldn't have to hide anything. We wouldn't care about what they thought, we could just do us."

"Does putting your career in jeopardy mean nothing to you?" The rapper snickered, not surprised by the older's thoughts. Still, the foolish sentiments made him smile.

Gesturing back to the rest of the apartment, Minho just shrugged. "They wouldn't tell. I know it."

"Well, still-" Jisung laughed, but stopped himself, becoming aware of a presence behind the pair. The two turned, confused to find Minho's roommate standing there.

"Hey." Felix nodded. Despite the late hour, he wore a jacket and his shoes were tied. Eyeing Minho, he raised a brow. "I have to be somewhere really early tomorrow so I'm leaving tonight."

Only slightly confused, Minho nodded, not quite sure why that was important to him. What did his roommate want him to do? Get on his knees and beg him not to leave? "Ok? Have fun."

Shaking his head, the Australian tried a more direct approach. He stared his friend down, emphasizing each word to get the point across. "I just wanted to let you know that I won't be in our room, you'll have it all to yourself."

Oh, Minho was catching on now.

Felix's eyes glanced from Jisung back to the dancer. "You know, I wouldn't want you to be lonely or anything. My heart would just break."

Amused by his roommate's antics, Minho finally nodded, hoping the Australian could see the grateful look in his eyes. "I'm sure I'll manage."

"Oh good." Felix was smiling once again, his cheerful self returned in only a second. "Well I'll see you some time tomorrow, then."

The couple gave him their goodbyes, with Jisung giving him a nod as well. A small motion, but it represented deep gratitude. The rapper silently thanked the younger for his secrecy, along with his support.

Felix just nodded, patting his friend's shoulder. Turning to Minho, he bent down in order to not be overheard by curious ears. "Don't have too much fun. It is still our room after all."

Challenging his roommate, Minho just smiled, his mischievous eyes gleaming. "No promises."

Giving his man a shove, Jisung shook his head, looking to Felix with sincerity. "You don't have to worry about a thing, I promise."

"Thank you, Jisung. I know I can trust you." The Australian mumbled, giving the other man a look. "Unlike someone else."

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