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Turns out it is near impossible to read every story ever written about yourself in one night.

Jisung tried, honestly, but around 4am he could no longer keep his aching eyes open. He would have pulled an all-nighter, but knew he would get scolded for it in the morning. Nevertheless, he gave a valiant effort, and wasn't about to give up just yet. 

Overall, it was an interesting experience. Jisung loved seeing the different writing styles and how people painted him in their narratives. It was educational to see how people thought he would act in situations, even if it wasn't real. 

At first the whole Y/N concept was a bit of a roadblock. He really tried inserting his own name, but with both characters being named Jisung, it got a bit confusing. In the end, he just imagined some faceless, vague character with no real name. With that system worked out, he was able to get through quite a few stories, some longer than others.

The last story he had tried to tackle last night was quite lengthy. It was quite the captivating story about Jisung being a shady, unbothered, and cold mafia man, with the other character being a helpless, slightly annoying damsel under his thumb. 

He had made it a little more than halfway through before his body gave up, and the words started to blur together on the screen. In desperation, he had made an account (with none of the information making it too obvious that it really was him), and saved his spot.

Now he just had to wait. He watched for any moment where no one needed his attention, where no one was over his shoulder. It was a painful, long process, but he got to read a little bit more every once in a while.

That was how it had gone all this morning, anytime he was alone or the gaze was on anyone else, his phone was out, and the words were speeding past his eyes. 


Hearing an all too familiar voice, the rapper quickly pocketed his device, stepping out of his hiding place to find the culprit. 

"There you are!" A breathless Minho sighed, jogging up to him. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

The Lee glanced behind the other, a puzzled look on his face. "Were you in the supply closet?"

"Of course not." Jisung played the fool. He was hoping Minho wouldn't have picked up on that. He wouldn't have been forced to hide like that except that they were all in a large open room taking promotional photos for something or another. "I just needed some air."

How Jisung would have gotten air in a closet was beyond Minho but he chose not to pursue the question.

"Well I'm supposed to tell you that you're up next." Minho gestured to where Jisung could hear the occasional click of a camera. 

"Alright, thanks." Jisung tried to step away, but was caught by a hand on his chest. Confused, he looked to Minho, who closely analyzing something.

Hands moving to cup the younger's face, Minho stared hard. "Jisung, have you been getting any sleep lately?"

"Uhh, no not really." Slightly distracted by the gentle hold the older was keeping on him, the rapper shook his head. "They told me they covered up the circles under my eyes, can you still see them?"

"No." Minho slightly tilted the other man's face before catching his gaze. "I can see it in your eyes."

Jisung just nodded, forgetting that he was supposed to be somewhere, and directed his attention elsewhere. He thought Minho looked flawless all the time, but now, with his hair perfectly styled and makeup touched up by careful hands, he looked


Jisung didn't realize he had mumbled the word until it was already out in the air. Luckily, Minho didn't seem to hear as he was still focused on the younger's wellbeing.

"Is everything alright?" Minho sincerely asked, his thumb grazing the younger's soft cheek. "I know you're a hard worker, Ji, but it's alright to take a break for once."

Jisung sincerely wished that his exhaustion was due to him staying up writing songs as it once was, but now it was due to his own foolish, and slightly embarrassing choices. He knew that Minho was referring to a year or two ago, when he had worked himself too hard and was struggling to stay awake at all hours of the day. His body and mind were dying, and the only reason he got better was because of a stern, but loving talk from Minho.

"It's nothing like that, I promise." Jisung hoped that the older could hear the sincerity in his tone, he didn't want to ever worry the dancer like that again. "I just couldn't sleep."

That was slightly true, his excitement and anticipation of the next chapter kept him awake.

Luckily Minho seemed to accept the answer with a nod. His gaze wandered the boy's features before ending the journey at his eyes. "You know, I'm right down the hall if you ever need me."

The rapper nodded, noticing details about the older's hand that he never had before. They were firm from hours of hard work, but still soft enough to make his stomach flip as they trailed across his skin. 

What was happening?

"Jisung!" A deeper voice called, causing both of them to snap out of whatever zone they had been in. The rapper turned to see Felix calling him over, apparently not fazed in the slightest by the two's close contact. "It's your turn!"

Minho dropped his hands as Jisung left without a word, not even turning to spare a glance. 

The older already saw so much when he looked at him, and Jisung was afraid of what Minho would see if he looked now.

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