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Morning was something big in the Tomlinson household, and you may ask why if all you do is wake up and eat breakfast, but if you ask a family of fourteen, they'd tell you a different story. Twelve kids and a couple, they live in a nice cottage-like house with a cat named Beans and a dog named Clifford. Beautiful flowers grow in the front and back of the house, and behind the garden, there was a farm that Louis and Harry had grown themselves. It was a hassle to get up in the morning and tend the animals, but luckily the children liked to help.

The night before was the youngest set on twins birthday, and if you know the Tomlinsons, you know that birthday parties are heavily celebrated. It was only their third birthday so they did nothing serious besides cooking multiple desserts and playing homemade games before they finally had the cake, which was a rainbow chocolate chip. They were now on the floor asleep after Faith said she wanted to have a sleepover in the living room.

Allison's foot is over her nose and she was lying on top of Claire, while Phoebe was cuddled up against her. It was basically a tangled mess. Louis wakes up first, prepared to tend the horses. He remembers where he is when Dakota rolls onto him, snuggling her cheek into his thigh.

Louis smiles down at his daughter and brushes her dark hair out of her face. They were all covered by a big blanket, although some people weren't in it at all. He pulls the covers off of him and slowly gets up, cracking his back. 

It was six in the morning, the usual time he got up to feed. Clifford lay beside his slippers, Beans most likely ran off somewhere. The window above the sink was slightly ajar, giving the warm temperature the house had. He's surprised to find Eileen in the kitchen already, standing in front of the stove. "And what're you up to?" He asks huskily -  being the first word that's come out his mouth. She's already dressed for school, in a tight band shirt and jeans, her curly hair flat ironed and pulled into a half pony tail by her butterfly clip. She's known to be up before any of her siblings so she can take her sweet time to get ready, since the bathroom was always full. Eileen smiles at her father and scoops her creation onto a plate. "You go sit at the table, I made you breakfast." She enthuses. 

Somehow, the sixteen year old has managed to be a ball of energy when the sun has barely risen, and Louis will never understand how. Louis slowly turns and sits down, folding his hands on the table. Eileen approaches shortly after, placing his plate in front of him. He smiles at first but when he looks down at the glob on his plate, it slowly fades away. "Eileen," he calls. "what is this?"

"Leftovers. Mom was complaining about how we had so much food in the fridge, so I took it upon myself to cook it. Macaroni, broccoli, steak, rotisserie chicken, eggs, and mushroom casserole." She states proudly, a bashful smile on her face.

Louis gawks at the food. "Eileen, what the hell?"

She frowns. "Do you not like it?" She asks, playing with her fingers. 

He sighs and looks up at his daughter. "No, Eileen, this seems like a very nice breakfast." He lies with a passive smile, feeling shivers run up his spine at the thought of that going down his throat. "This is very sweet of you, baby. Thank you."

Eileen beams and walks off. 

Clifford passes by him and he ponders on feeding it to the dog, but he'd probably die. Who knows what the hell she put in it. He takes it upon himself to stare at the breakfast anxiously until the clock hits seven and Harry has the children ready for the day. Harry has Allison on his hip and his hand intertwined with Faith, counting the steps as they descend. 

"Seven, eight, nine-"

"One hundred!" Faith shouts. 

Allison frowns. "No, it's ten." 

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