trying to be alone

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This chapter happens to be a little bit smutty because that's the whole purpose. They were supposed to barely get there.... but I got a little carried away. It also wasn't as detailed because I don't have my regular search engines😞 I actually felt weird for once to include a little vulgarity cause this genuinely feels like a family show 😭

Anywayyyy hope you guys enjoy this update! Big things are coming, get ready for the "second season!"

Don't forget to vote and comment!


"Marcus Short already has a girlfriend." Junior says. Eileen squints her eyes at her brother from across the table, glaringly disagreeing. "No he doesn't. They're just friends."

"Uh-uh. Kenzie Parker is his girlfriend." Eileen scoffs, leaning back in her chair. "Please, she's all used up." She comments and shoves some cereal in her mouth. It was the weekend and Harry occasionally cooks breakfast, but that was unlikely this time around. He's supposed to be away for the next six weeks with their grandmother. He's not gone yet, but he's a procrastinator and he's been packing for the past week. That leaves most of the kids alone, which explains why Audrey's currently sitting over the sink and hosing down the window. 

"That's not what I heard." Junior mutters. Louis strolls into the kitchen then, completely missing the fact that their five year old is drowning their window in water, and intentionally ignoring his eldest children's argument, which seems to just keep getting louder. "Well you heard wrong. Kenzie's been out with everybody."

"I haven't been out with her." Junior argues. Eileen laughs without humor. "Even Kenzie has standards." She quips before adding, "Loser."

Junior stands up. "Oh really?" 

"Yeah really." 

Harry comes down the stairs, only to see the commotion of the lower floor. Eileen has Junior in a headlock, Louis is just pretending that they're not even there, more focused on pouring himself a bowl of pretzels, and Audrey's still drenching the window. He can't even have an hour to himself without some kind of mess going on. "Hey! Sit down, now." He shouts. The two oblige and he goes to complain to Louis, only to spot Audrey on the windowsill. 

He dashes to the sink and gently coaxes the faucet out of the girl's hand. She thankfully lets go without a fight, even smiling angelically. Harry shakes his head and glares at his husband in disbelief. "Hello? Did you not see what was going on here?"

"Yeah, the kids are playing, and so is Manchester." Louis says, lifting his snack board off of the table. Harry rolls his eyes and carefully hoists Audrey in his arms. The five year old clings onto him the moment he has her, wrapping her limbs around him like a koala. He grins. "Alright, big girl. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Lucky Charms!" 

Harry hums and pecks her cheek. "Junior, make your sister a bowl of Lucky Charms, please." He tells his son, sitting Audrey down in a chair. Junior groans childishly. "I just got attacked by my sister and now I have to interact with another?" 

"Make your sister a bowl of cereal." Harry repeats. The younger boy sighs when he sees his mother's expression, but he knows better than to defy him. Harry ensures he gets out of his seat before following where Louis had gone, finding his husband in front of the TV. He takes a seat on the ottoman in front of him, staring at him seriously. "Louis, you know I hate it when you don't listen to me."


Harry glares at him. "We work all week long. Saturday is supposed to be family day." He reminds. 

chamber of reflection ➵l.sOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora