bonus chapter: new parents

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cue for breastfeeding harry


Harry was completely right about Louis' mother reacting differently towards situations compared to his father. Starting from the beginning, Harry had no control over telling his father himself. Hell, he didn't even know he was pregnant until his doctor said so. He still shivers when he remembers his father's reaction. The silence in the room was so overwhelming that the hairs on his neck rose. Then, Desmond just thanked Doctor Pathapadu, but Harry knew it wasn't over. 

He tried to take practically everything from the boy. Confiscated his computer, unplugged the TV, threatened to take away his door. The man was reeking havoc and Anne hadn't even returned from home yet. Gemma managed to at least calm him down by reminding him that he still had Louis to strangle. 

Anne came back home and Desmond didn't waste a second to tell her the news. The poor woman had barely made it through the door before she dropped her work bag and glared at her son. He knew she was disappointed. She had even given him advice and treated him fairly after the incident behind the bleachers, and he turned around and got pregnant. 

He felt terrible knowing this, but Anne ended up having the opposite reaction he expected. He knew she was still upset, but she embraced him in a warm hug, expressing her support. It was obvious that she was on her son's side, therefore his father had no other choice than to cooperate. 

That week wasn't easy. His father kept urging him to go to the Tomlinson's house, and he knew it was mainly because Desmond wanted to hurt Louis. After Louis began to complain about how long it had been since they hung out, Harry finally went. He forbade his father from accompanying him and took on the difficult announcement himself. 

It was extremely hard to get the words out, sitting in the living room in front of Louis and Jay's similar faces. Jay has a yellow smile, bouncing on the couch and clapping her hands. Harry didn't expect her to be so excited, but then again, she was nothing like his parents. She continues to squeal before turning to her son, noticing his silence. "Louis, come on! How do you feel?" 

Harry stares at him expectantly and swallows when Louis remains quiet. He fears for the worse- that Louis will break up with him and refuse to speak to him ever again. Except, as Jay shakes his shoulder vigorously while expressing her delight, Louis' head falls back and he sojourns motionlessly. "Hey?" Jay questions hesitantly and slaps his face. 

"Did he just pass out?" Harry asks, standing from the couch. 

Jay sighs. "I think he did. I'll go get him some water."

Harry stays by Louis' side worryingly as the boy sits unconscious. When Jay returns, he expects the woman to give him a sip of water, but she instead dumps it on his face, making him gasp awake. Harry can't even help the guffawing laugh he lets out, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth after. 

"Ugh, mom!" Louis complains, shaking his hair dry. 

"I can't believe it! I'm going to love this story forever!" Jay exclaims humorously. 

Although there's light to the situation now, Harry still needs to know where Louis stands. He wipes the smile off his face and pushes Louis' shoulder to get his attention. "So? Passing out isn't going to be your easy way out." He says seriously. 

"I didn't do it on purpose." Louis frowns. "I don't know how to feel, Harry. Honestly."

Harry nods defeatedly and stares at his hands in his lap. Louis notices the solemnity in his expression and taps his thigh. "That doesn't mean anything bad. I just don't know how I feel. Just trust that whatever happens, I won't leave you alone. Ever. It's now my job to be a man, and be here for you and our baby."

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