working relationships

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SURPRISE SURPRISE!! I know I said there wouldn't be another chapter until Mother's Day but I got an idea and just had to write. Plus, I'm not sure if I'll make it to doing a special chapter because I suck at writing according to deadlines. Maybe it'll be posted after Mother's Day or never... who knows. I'll try though! Don't be shy to give me some ideas for it though cus I'm practically brain dead thinking about it ;(

Anywho, enjoy this surprise chapter. It's more words than usual! Don't forget to vote and comment. 


Harry stands at the counter, loading an old diaper bag with snacks for the twins. Keke was finally having her baby shower after continuously cancelling it because 'something' came up. She was probably nervous. He knows it took at least four years for her to have a successful pregnancy and she didn't want to celebrate her baby, much less, know the gender, only for them to not be born. But she's at least seven months along and she's told him how certain she is this time. He's just glad she's happy, she'll be a great mother. 

Anyway, he's not going to take everyone to the shower. He decided he'd only take the twins, as there would be less children, and they were the youngest. Keke promised there would be enough children to go around, and kid-friendly activities. Besides, Allison and Faith have just recently left the terrible twos, they're still as energetic as can be. 

He holds a chocolate Hostess cupcake that he was meant to be putting in the bag. He's supposed to be on a diet for the yoga class he signed up for... but he's too tempted. Lottie's doing the diet alongside him and it'd be hypocritical if he eats his cupcake. He consistently tells himself that, but he can't help it. He tosses the cupcake into his mouth, barely savoring the taste as he chews it. A flickering light surprises him and he nearly chokes, covering his mouth to save the crumbs falling off his lips. Louis holds the DSLR camera over his shoulder, positioning himself at the foyer for the perfect shot. 

"Louis!" Harry grumbles. 

Louis grins smugly, waving the photo dry. "Got you!" He exclaims, approaching the refrigerator where photographs of nearly all their children were. "Another entry on the wall of shame." He declares. Harry dabs his lips with a napkin, complaining loudly. "Louis, don't you dare."

"Should I put this next to Dakota with her foot in the toilet or Junior with his thing caught in his zipper?" Louis contemplates. Harry glares at him, unamused. The older man takes a look at his face before smiling even wider. "I'll put it with Junior." He decides, sticking it to the fridge. 

"Why aren't any of your pictures up on the wall of shame?" Harry questions, continuing to scowl. 

"Because it's my camera, my wall, and it's your shame." Louis responds. 

Eileen beams as she enters the house, which is already an unusual thing. "Hi Mom, hi Dad." She greets softly, approaching the couple. "Hey, how was school?" Louis asks. 

"School was terrific, I love learning." Harry makes a face and she coos, tugging on the fabric of Louis' dress shirt. "You guys look fabulous today," she claims. "Dad you look so buff today, you're ripping out your shirt."

Harry's lips curl at her horrible attempt at complimenting him and he only laughs when Louis looks at him. "The answer is no." Louis says. 

Eileen fiends confusion. "No what?"

"Whatever you were going to ask, the answer is no." Louis explains. 

Eileen frowns. "It's just a party at Sean's house." 

"No, you are too young to go to parties. The only thing there is, is horny boys, naive girls, and loud music that makes you want to bump nasty." Louis remarks. 

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