open your heart

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I don't know about this chapter, it feels super lazy even though I wasn't at all, but let me know what you think anyway.

after this, a mother's day chapter will (hopefully) be posted on the holiday! if you're reading my newest fic "THE ARCHER," a new update should be coming in about two weeks. and if you're not, maybe give it a read. 

 I also changed Odessa's (one of the triplets) name to Audrey. 

don't forget to vote, comments are appreciated 🩷


"Mommy, can we have boba with breakfast?" Adeline asks as she steps onto a stool, leaning over the counter to peak at their breakfast and her mother. Harry curls his lips as he focused on whisking the pancake batter, glancing at the girl briefly. "I don't know, it sounds like a lot of sugar." He replies, raising his eyebrows pointedly. He may have become paranoid about cavities ever since Junior got them when he was five, all because Louis had been watching him overnight while Harry was working at CVS. Never again, he consistently reminded himself. 

"Please." Adeline begs, pouting her lip and batting her eyelashes. Harry pops his hip, seemingly unimpressed by the girl's attempt at being cute, but he considered it. He can't keep them from sugar forever, and they need to use the boba kit soon anyway. "Fine. Go get it out the freezer, please." He instructs and returns his attention to the bowl. Adeline obliges, her princess pumps clacking on the tiled floor as she goes to the freezer and drags the stool along with her. 

While Harry pours the batch onto the pan and waits for it to cook, he turns on the other eye on the stove to boil water. Adeline beams in anticipation as she watches her mom prepare the boba, placing the separate packets into the water once it started boiling. Adeline also offers to help him make breakfast and he directs her on how to flip the pancakes. 

The stairs creak from above and Louis enters the kitchen, smiling when he sees the two. "Good morning, baby," He greets, giving his husband a chaste kiss. He rounds his arms around Adeline's waist and lifts her up to attack her with kisses, the girl sputtering into a fit of laughs, squirming in his arms. "Good morning, princess."

"Daddy! I'm going to kick you."

Louis carefully places her back on the stool and smooths his hand through her hair, smiling fondly. "What're you cooking up?"


"Oh, my favorite." Louis says, rubbing his hands together in delight. Harry playfully rolls his eyes from where he pours the instant packet into a cup. "Yeah, cause you can't fix them yourself." He sarcastically remarks.

His body jolts when he receives a rather harsh slap to the ass and he spins around, jaw fallen slack in disbelief. "Louis Tomlinson!"

"Hey!" Adeline complains and places her hands on her hips, staring at her father seriously. "You can not hit mommy."

Louis raises his hands in surrender, fighting back a smile. "Okay, I'm sorry, Addie."

"No, you have to say sorry to mommy."

Harry bites his lip and gazes at his husband expectantly. "I'm sorry, darling." Louis apologizes. 

Harry lifts his head dramatically, feigning superiority. "I don't accept."

"Oh, you will later." Louis says suggestively, earning a gasp from the younger man. He threatens a spatula if he doesn't leave the kitchen and he laughs as he exits, finding Eileen at the table. "Good morning, sweetheart." He addresses, leaning in for a kiss, in which she rejects in disgust. "What, can't I kiss you good morning?" He questions. 

chamber of reflection ➵l.sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon