mom's away

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Hi. Hello. How are you? Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, they always mean so much.

 I only got one comment about this, but just in case there were any doubts, this will not be ending ANY time soon. Yes, this is technically a little drabble-type thing (?) but I have ideas and there is a plot to be followed. The Tomlinson family are not done yet 👆🏽. 

Drop some chapter ideas in the comments and I'll see what I can do! Let me know if there's any children, parent, or both that you'd like to see more of. 

Don't forget to vote, comments are always appreciated!


Louis has never been a 'cooking buff.' If we're being honest, he can't cook for shit. He can cook one meal and maybe scrambled eggs on a good day ⎯ but he honestly doesn't have the attention span to sit in front of a stove for two hours. He doesn't know how Harry does it, waking up in the morning and fixing breakfast for fourteen people, then making dinner only eight hours later. Louis has never appreciated him more than he does right now, he was lucky enough to make good-looking french toast. Harry wrote it down to be the simplest breakfast to make, though he digresses.

The good thing is that the food doesn't fall apart this time around. Stacking the toast onto a serving plate, he hears feet slapping on the tiled floor. "Daddy, my ponytail won't stay up." Adeline complains, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. Louis takes one glance at her frazzled hair and sets the plate on the kitchen top. "Let me fix that for you." He takes a seat on the swivel chair in front of a small desk and digs through the drawer, fishing for their adhesive tape. He figures it would be better than a hair tie. Besides, those things are far too complicated.

He pulls the tape apart and holds it behind Adeline's head to wrap it around into a well-held ponytail. "Perfect." He claps. Adeline narrows her eyes at him, folding her arms in front of her chest. "This looks stupid. Mommy wouldn't do it like that."

"Well, babe, Mommy's not here. So we're gonna have to make do." Louis counters. Adeline huffs and walks to the table, taking a seat in front of her placemat. The older man slaps his hands on his thighs before standing up and returning to the kitchen to grab a couple of plates. Out of everyone, Harry's absence seems to be affecting the triplets the most. They spend half their day with the older man, being fed breakfast, being taken to school, occasionally getting visits during lunch and of course, being picked up and sometimes taken to Tumble Tots. That routine has suddenly been interrupted, which Louis understands. But two children in particular aren't taking it lightly.

Adeline and Avery. The Lord could not prepare Louis for what that boy would have in store for him. Avery's declared to do everything independently for as long as his mom isn't there, and as much as Louis finds that sweet; it's also a bit infuriating. Louis offers to help him put on his socks, it's immediately shot down and the next thing he knows, Avery's got his socks on the wrong way. Avery's chicken is too large, Louis tries to help him cut it and he denies, only to almost choke on the damned food.

Louis is sure he's grown two extra grey hairs in one week.

Junior walks stiffly into the dining room, his arms help up like a scarecrow and legs parted. Louis spares one scrutinized glance before moving on, setting the table. "Look at my clothes." Junior demands. "You look great to me." Louis says.

"So what did you do?" Junior accuses, emphasizing his shirt.

"I put starch in your clothes. And I put enough to last until your mother gets home."

Junior scoffs, throwing his backpack on the counter. "I look ridiculous." He criticizes, struggling to take a seat beside his little sister.

Everyone eventually starts to fill the kitchen. By the time they're all settled, their plates of french toast are sitting in front of them. Fresh and genuinely appealing. Claire grabs a carton of orange juice from the fridge and Louis' eyes widen when he sees her attire. He likes to think he's an easygoing parent, everyone's either too young or old enough, he almost forgot that phase in adolescence where they wear anything. Claire's currently wearing a midriff top, with two false jewels stuck to her belly button and adjacent on her back. "Whoa... what is all of this?" Louis questions, gesturing to her stomach.

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